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Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Page 9
Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Read online
Page 9
"Watch your mouth Paige," I could tolerate most things but not my bird running her mouth like she was doing now.
"Oh so you take off, ignore my calls, I get told that you're with some other woman and you expect me to keep my cool about the whole situation?" Again she flung her arms around trying to get her point across.
"I expect you to be rational about the situation and act like a grown up rather than a little girl." I indicated and turned off the main road.
"Oh, so I'm a little girl now am I? Sorry for actually giving a shit and worrying about you." Paige folded her arms across her chest clearly not able to drop the attitude.
I sighed, "Paige, I've had a few things to sort out the past twenty-four hours. I just needed some time and space while I sorted my head out." I turned to look at her, "What's going on, why you getting up in my face now?"
I could see her frustration building, "Coz I'm fucking annoyed. If you're shagging someone else I'd rather you just tell me. I could deal with that then in my own way, just don't take me for a fucking fool."
I shook my head, this girl had got it all wrong. I cared for her deeply but hated it when she questioned me. I didn't like answering to people, I felt like I'd been pushed up into a corner when bombarded with questions, exactly how I felt when I was in the children's home with no one to turn to and nowhere to go. The only person I could really rely on was me and that's why sometimes I had to run, run away from my problems and deal with them at a later date but I didn't want to do that now. I wanted to hit everything head on and there was no one that was going to stop me, even Paige.
"I thought we had something special. I know that I'm a fuck up and have issues but I'm dealing with them Cade." I sat quietly waiting for her to finish, there was no point interrupting her when she was on a flow such as this. "But you're not much better, you're just as fucked up as me. Don't think I haven't done my research on you babe."
I glared at her as she continued to rant, how dare she go digging into my private life.
"Your mum was a crack whore and sold her dignity for money. You and your brothers were taken into care."
"Stop it!"
" You went to Giddings House and your brothers..."
I slammed on the brakes not realising that Paige wasn't wearing her seat belt, the force made her leave her seat and smash her head onto the dashboard. We weren't going fast enough to set off the air bags but fast enough for her to hurt herself.
"I said stop it but you never fucking listen." I roared, ripping off my seatbelt and opening the door with force. Paige moaned in agony and rubbed her head at the pain but I wasn't bothered the mist had come down and I wanted what was mine.
I yanked open her door and grabbed Paige's upper arm. "Cade you're hurting me," she cried.
I didn't wait for Paige to gain her footing, I pulled her from the car and she hit the ground hard with a thud. She scrambled around but I forcefully yanked her by the arm across the wooded area and through the brambles. Paige twisted her body and managed to get on all fours making it easier for me to direct her towards the wooded area.
"For fucks sake, I know we like it rough but now you're taking the piss." I heard the sarcasm in her voice but I wasn't engaging with her, I needed her to shut her fucking mouth and knew just how to do it.
The cracking of twigs under our feet was the only sound to be heard as I continued to pull her with force. Not many people used the back roads it was mainly occupied by couples up to no good so I knew we wouldn't be disturbed although her car was parked in the middle of the road were I'd left it.
I yanked Paige's arm one last time to bring her up right and level with me. I slammed her back against the large tree and made sure that we were positioned so we couldn't be seen from the road, should someone drive past.
Her breathing was laboured with fear and excitement and as I observed her closely, I could see that her pupils were dilated from her heightened senses.
I pushed my body against hers, a small smile crossed her face as she felt my arousal but the smile was short lived as she looked deep into my eyes.
"Turn around now," I ordered.
I leaned back slightly to give her the room needed to move, which she did without hesitation. I grabbed both of her wrists and yanked her arms high above her head to stretch her body. Using one hand, I grasped them tightly and held her arms against the tree.
I leaned close to the crook of her neck, "I don't want you to say a word." My light breath gave her goosebumps, Paige was highly charged and I knew that she'd be wet already, wanting me to enter her.
I pressed my body against hers again, pushing her hard against the bark and grabbed her thigh with my free hand. Paige let out a gasp as I made contact with her skin but quickly composed herself. She knew that I wanted her to be quiet and that meant no noises of sexual enjoyment. I kept my hand still until Paige had settled down and then slowly worked it up her thigh towards her panties. They were as I had expected, soaking from her juices. I slid my index finger inside the sodden material and felt her smooth flaps, they partied easily as I pushed my finger along the ridge before I entered her warm opening. Paige could easily take more, I played with her by pushing my fingers in and out with quick succession before I inserted two, three and before long four. The sound it created was a turn on in itself, I didn't usually dabble in vaginal foreplay or sex but I wanted to see just how far I could push her.
I cupped my fingers tightly together, as close as they would possibly go. I wanted to stretch, enter and penetrate to see exactly how much my Paige could take.
Paige winced at the stretching but that was part of the pleasure. She closed her eyes firmly as I pushed my fingers in deeper but I wasn't waiting for her to grow accustom to the sensation. I knew that my knuckles would be rubbing against her G-spot and I was conscious about giving her too much pleasure.
I pushed deeper, Paige's eyes opened and grabbed for my wrist firmly. I wasn't sure if she wanted me to stop or continue but regardless I wasn't finished. She glanced down at my hand buried to the wrist inside her and I slowly moved my hand out, experimenting before I slammed it back inside.
"Don't come Paige, I'm fucking telling you now that if you come then this is over."
I moved my hand in quick succession, there wasn't much room for manoeuvre so I knew that with every twist and turn, I'd cause a sensation in her body but this exercise was about control.
I felt her legs tremble and I changed pace keeping her second guessing regarding what I was going to do next. I heard her moan and tightened the grip of my hand around her wrist. She bit her lip trying to conceal the moans as she unconsciously moved her hips as I pumped her pussy with me hand.
"How much can you take, it's about control Paige." I whispered closely to her ear.
I quickly changed the angle of my hand and with that motion gushes and gushes of female ejaculation spilled from her hole down my arm and her thighs. I abruptly removed my hand as Paige trembled uncontrollably and I stepped back watching her quiver in ecstasy.
I'd succeeded in shutting her up for now and maybe, just maybe she'd leave me alone long enough so that I could continue with my investigation.
I turned on my heels and strolled towards her vehicle as I wiped my hand on my jeans, I heard Paige call my name several times but I ignored her. She needed to learn to become more independent and not so needy, there was no guarantee that I'd be around forever.
I opened the door to the vehicle and sat contemplating what the hell had just gone on. Why was I using Paige for my own sick gratification and why was she allowing me? My silence didn't last long as the door nearly swung from its hinges as Paige ripped it open.
"Don't just walk away from me," she yelled.
I sighed as I turned towards her, "What now?"
Her mouth fell open, obviously shocked by my response. "What now?" she mocked. "You drag me from the car, fist me and then leave like nothing has happened." I didn't know how to respond, she was right but I thought that's what she
needed, we needed.
I turned the key in the ignition, checked my mirrors and pulled out into the road.
"What's going on Cade?" Paige rested her hand lightly on my thigh in a loving manner.
"We've been through so much in the short time we've been together, that whatever this is we can get through it babe."
Her moods were constantly up and down. One minute she was psychotic the next she was loving and sometimes didn't know exactly where I stood with her. She was right though, we had come up against a few obstacles during our short relationship but this was my problem and I needed to deal with it, in my own way.
My phone rang which helped to break the tension in the car.
I leaned forward to press accept, "You're on loud speaker Duke." I stated alerting him in case he wanted to talk about club business.
"Okay, I'd like a catch up. Come to the club house."
"Okay, I can be there in fifteen," I sighed.
"Okay see you soon." He hung up before I responded and I returned my attention to Paige.
"Can I drive to the clubhouse in this and then you can take it home?"
Paige nodded and folded her arms across her chest as she relaxed into the seat, she turned her head to look out of the window making it clear that she didn't want to speak to me.
This was going to be one of the longest rides of my life. I didn't want to say anything through fear of upsetting her further so I kept quiet on the fifteen minute journey through Epping and into Waltham Abbey.
As we pulled up outside the clubhouse, Paige sat forward on the edge of her seat and flung her door open as soon as the car was stationary. She quickly made her way around the vehicle to the driver's side and stood with her arms folded across her chest waiting for me to exit the vehicle.
"I'm sorry..." she held her hand up to silence me.
"Save it for someone who cares."
I rolled my eyes in response. I only wanted a quiet existence, I hated drama but there was no reasoning with her when she was in this mood. I stepped aside, she slithered into the seat and eagerly adjusted her mirrors with her resting bitch face.
"I'll call you later." Paige ignored me and slammed the car door shut.
I heard sniggering and turned around to see Duke, "I take it you've had a row?"
I rolled my eye's trying to make light of the situation, "You know how temperamental she is Duke."
"I sure do," Duke chuckled as we both watched her wheel spin through the yard. "Come on, let's go and have a chat in my office."
Duke turned and strolled towards the clubhouse as I continued to watch Paige leave the yard and drive up the main road, "Come on lover boy, let her calm down and deal with her later."
I nodded, he was right there was nothing that I could do right now. I'd have to wait until she had calmed down, then I'd approach the situation. I was even contemplating telling her the truth, after all, she'd been through a similar thing and would hopefully understand.
I followed Duke through the bar area and noticed the way Buster and Ramsey glanced at each other before turning their attention towards me. I swallowed hard, I hadn't considered that he'd invite me here to do me harm. Duke had seemed blunt but sincere on the phone that I assumed everything was okay but for the first time I sensed a little dread at just what I was walking into.
"Close the door and take a seat," Duke strolled towards his desk, which gave me the opportunity to glance around the room quickly. No one else was here so it wasn't as if I was walking into the lion's den. I swung the door shut and stood in the middle of his office waiting for instructions.
Duke gestured to the sofa with his hand, I nodded and perched on the edge. Although things looked okay, I didn't want to get too comfortable just in case I needed to make a sharp exit.
I swallowed hard, "So why did you want to see me?" I asked needing to get the question out of the way.
Duke rested his lower back against his desk and crossed his legs at the ankles, he looked to have a lot on his mind and I was waiting for the barrage of abuse for the way I had treated Hound.
Duke let out a long sigh, "I've learnt many hard lessons over the past year Cade." He paused and I saw the contemplation on his face. "The hardest was losing Locke." Duke stood and slowly walked around his desk clearly affected by his words. He sat in his black leather swivel chair and leaned on the desk, "Locke would take off for days, sometimes weeks and no one would know where he was. It obviously transpired that he was leading a double life and had gotten himself into something that was beyond his control."
Duke shuffled forward and rested his chin upon his now clasped hands as he leaned on the table, "I can't be 100% certain but I'd like to think that if Locke would've shared his problems from the start, then he would still be alive today. We could've dealt with the situation as a club but most importantly as a family."
I nodded my head making it clear that I was following him.
"Is there anything that you want to share with me Cade?" His eyes widened as he glared at me waiting for a response.
I shook my head slowly, "No." I wasn't ready to off load especially to Duke. He meant well and I was a prospect for the club but we weren't close.
"I'm asking you one last time, is there anything you want to tell me?"
"No Duke everything is okay," I responded quickly trying to get my message across.
Duke stood, "Well you've got no excuse to take off like you have then recently."
Fuck! By me not opening up, I'd walked straight into a trap.
"You're a prospect, which means I own your arse. You don't only answer to every patched member of the club, you are in debt to Hound and need to do whatever pleases him as your sponsor."
"I'm well aware of that," I stated calmly knowing exactly what Hound had done for me over recent months.
"Good, so you can start by cleaning his office and when I say clean, I mean clean. Recon will be waiting for you in the bar." Duke leaned back in his chair and lifted his legs so that his boots rested on the edge of his desk. I continued to sit as still as possible, he was in no mood to upset further. Duke removed his phone from his pocket and tapped away before lifting his eyes to glare at me.
"What you still doing here, go!"
I stood abruptly and shuffled towards the door, "Erm okay, thank you." I was a blundering idiot not knowing what to say but grateful that I'd been excused.
I let out a sigh of relief as I slowly walked to the bar, knowing that I was now going to be put through my paces but getting away with being physically punished. Recon scared the shit out of me, he was one crazy motherfucker that I never wanted to get on the wrong side of so I'd do as I was told and keep my head down until the job was finished.
"Well look what we have here boys," Recon stood with his arms out wide greeting me as I walked into the bar. Buster, Ramsey and Stoney glanced in my direction and I noticed the uneasiness on their faces. I inwardly groaned, knowing full well that I was now going to pay for going AWOL. I thought Spike and Hound had managed to keep it quiet but everything had a way of getting back to the club, nothing was sacred at all.
"I hope you've got some Marigolds boy," Recons smug expression confused me. "Come here, look what I've got for ya."
I gingerly walked towards the bar to see an assortment of different cleaning solutions laid out in a row but without warning, I was pushed hard, my chest hit the edge of the wooden counter as my cheek was pushed onto the cold surface.
"Shit!" I screamed, my right arm was yanked high behind my back and I felt the weight of someone on top of me.
"If you ever upset another club member again, you're mine." Recon rested his chin on my cheek so that his jaw connected with my skin. The pressure hurt along with the angle of my arm as he continued to push it high in an unnatural position.
"Hound asked me to be nice but it's just not in my nature so instead I said I'd just give you a friendly warning. Consider this that warning." He pushed my arm further, if he applied any more pressure it would've snap
ped. I grimaced with the pain but tried to fight through it as I didn't want to portray myself as weak.
"The boy's learned his lesson Recon," I heard Stoney's dry voice and opened my eyes to see him sipping his drink as he read the paper.
Recon slowly released the hold on my arm and stood back, the instant relief was immense as I started to get back the feeling to all parts of my body where he'd stopped the blood flow.
I quickly moved my arm around in a circular motion trying to relieve the pain but was halted when Recon shoved a bottle of bleach at my chest.
I stepped backwards taken by surprise and grabbed the bottle as he let go, "Take these and clean Hound's office from top to bottom. Do not touch any paperwork and I'll come and see you in an hour to see how you're getting on." Recon continued to pass me various bottles of cleaning solutions and I was running out of space in my arms to hold them.
"I'm sure you've got more productive things to do Recon, I'll make sure the boy get's all of these." Stoney closed his newspaper and gestured to the rest of the bottles on the bar.
Recon nodded, "An hour!" He gestured with his index and middle fingers from his eyes to mine, signalling that he'd be watching me. He abruptly turned and stomped through the bar in the direction of the front door that led to the yard.
I let out a loud sigh, "Thank you." I stated looking directly at Stoney with a small smile.
He raised his brows, "I haven't done it for you. I heard the way you treated Hound and you should be ashamed of yourself." I looked at him confused, why was he helping me then?
"I just want to read my fucking newspaper in peace and I'm not gonna be able to with Recon trying to kill you."
I turned towards Ramsey as he sniggered, "Here mate, let me help Cade so you can get back to your newspaper. No one should ever stand in the way between a man and his news."
Stoney nodded and sat back onto his stool, his thoughts were clearly somewhere else today as he usually didn't create a scene. He usually stayed under the radar which intrigued me, what was wrong with everyone at the moment?