Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Read online

Page 10

  Ramsey picked up the remaining bottles and made his way around the bar towards me, "Come on." He moved his head in the direction of Hounds office and I followed, careful not to drop any of the bottles I was holding.

  We walked in silence towards the office, I managed not to drop the items I was holding and just thought myself lucky that Recon didn't break any bones. I knew that I'd pushed my luck, I hadn't long been sworn in as a prospect and I was already causing shit. I needed to keep my head down for a bit but I also had to sort out Stew. He was too close for comfort, which made me uneasy. I knew that he was up to something and I needed to deal with him sooner rather than later before he caused more people harm.

  Ramsey unlocked the door to Hounds office and pushed it open, it was a pokey little room with folders and paperwork everywhere and I was secretly pleased that on first inspection, it wouldn't take long to clean. I let out a low whistle, "What am I supposed to clean exactly?" I asked looking around the room.

  Ramsey didn't say a word and looked directly at the floor, "And you'll be using this." He pulled a toothbrush from his back pocket and waved it around like a wand. My expression must've said a thousand words, Ramsey sniggered and bent down to put the contents of his left arm onto the floor.

  "What the fuck?"

  "I know, we've all done it though. It's like their first proper punishment. The floors covered in grease that won't ever come off but they find it funny to have you doing it for hours regardless."

  I let out a sigh and kneeled so that I could put the various bottles I was holding onto the floor, "Okay well I suppose I better get on."

  "Have fun," Ramsey patted my shoulder as he left the room. I heard his footsteps get quieter as he made his way down the corridor and then there was silence apart from the clock ticking in the far corner of Hounds office.

  I raised the toothbrush and sniggered at the sight, at least I saw the funny side as it was the only thing that would get me through this punishment. I grabbed the jug and stood looking for somewhere to fill it. There wasn't a sink and the toilets were on the other side of the clubhouse so I didn't fancy wandering through the building for fear of bumping into Recon. I mooched around the small office and noticed a kettle, wondering if it contained any water I picked it up and was relieved to find that it did. I poured some of the water from the kettle into the jug and plonked the toothbrush inside. The thought amused me that I'd actually be cleaning this floor while down on my hands and knees.

  I felt vibrating in my pocket and placed the jug onto the cabinet before reaching for my phone. Flipping the case, I immediately saw that it was Jazz and my heart lurched. Why would she be contacting me? Could she possibly be in trouble? Thoughts buzzed around my mind and I quickly pressed the screen to answer.

  "Hi Jazz what's up?" I blurted waiting eagerly for a reply.

  She sniggered, "Nothing, do I need a reason to call you?"

  I let out a sigh, "Of course you don't, sorry I just assumed the worse."

  "Well don't, I've managed to cope this long." She laughed but I knew she didn't find that comment amusing as there was an undertone of unhappiness. She'd coped alright, better than most but it hadn't stopped her from getting hurt in the process.

  "Have you got time for a coffee?" she asked hopefully.

  I glanced around the office, "Erm not really hun. Could we possibly meet up tomorrow?"

  "Oh okay, yeah I'm sure that'll be okay."

  "What's up Jazz, there's something you're not telling me." I knew when she was lying, she was very transparent.

  "It's nothing really, just me being silly." Her tone had now changed which worried me.

  "Spill now Jazz, I want to know."

  She let out a long sigh, "Stew came around this morning. He's got it in his head that he's being followed."

  "And you think it's got something to do with me?" I asked.

  There was a long pause before she began to speak, "It had crossed my mind Cade."

  "I can assure you Jazz that I wouldn't ruin our relationship and put you in any risk what so ever. It's taken me a long time to find you and get you back into my life, I'm not going to jeopardise that."

  As I spoke, I tried to think whether there was a chance that I could've been spotted when I drove to his house last night. I'd foolishly fallen asleep and anything could've happened within that time without me realising.

  "I just thought that after you left mine yesterday you were a little annoyed, I gave you his address and I just thought the worst." She spluttered a million things at once but I got the gist of what she was getting at.

  "And I can understand that hun but you know what I'm like, I was just shooting my mouth off. I'm not brave enough to confront him and to be perfectly honest, I'd rather just forget about it all. I've got a good thing going on here and I don't want to ruin that." Jazz didn't need to know that I had slept outside his house last night and I did a good job at trying to play down the situation.

  "Okay, I'm sorry for assuming." She seemed a little upset still.

  "Would you like me to come meet you?" The words were out before I had time to process what I was saying.

  Her breath hitched, "I thought you were busy?" Her excitement was evident.

  "I am but it's nothing that can't wait." What was I doing, I knew as soon as the words left my mouth that I was committing to something that I shouldn't be doing.

  "Oh okay, there's a nice cafe in the high street what about meeting there?"

  I laughed, she was referring to Amy's cafe and I couldn't possibly go there. "Erm, probably best that we don't. What about Costa?"

  "Eh okay, when can you get there?" I was pleased that she didn't question the fact that I had suggested elsewhere.

  I glanced at my watch, "I can be there in around twenty minutes."

  "That's great, see you soon and Cade..."


  "Thank you," she hung up and I placed the phone back into my pocket.

  I rubbed my forehead in disbelief. For one, how the fuck was I getting out of here and two, how was I getting to Epping as I didn't have a ride? I tapped my forehead with the palm of my hand, "Think Cade think."

  "What you trying to think about?" I was taken by surprise and placed a hand onto my chest as my heart felt as if it was going to explode through the cavity of my chest.

  "Fuck, you frightened the hell out of me," I stated turning around to see Ramsey.

  "Well that obviously means you were up to no good," he sniggered placing a can of coke onto Hounds desk.

  "I thought you could do with this but it looks like you don't intend to work up a sweat." Ramsey glanced around the office noticing that I hadn't started.

  "You may be able to help me, I need to get a ride out of here." Ramsey raised his brows before shaking his head.

  "You on a death wish today?"

  I sniggered, "Far from but there's somewhere I need to be."

  "Yeah, like here cleaning this shit." He pointed to the floor as he responded.

  "No, funny enough there's somewhere more important and it's kinda taking priority at the moment."

  Ramsey placed his hands on his hips, "You're a crazy son of a bitch Cade. Recon will kick your arse if he comes in here to find that you've gone."

  I sighed, "I know but there's somewhere I need to be."

  "Well I ain't helping you, I'm keeping my nose clean as I wanna be patched."

  "I understand that, just turn a blind eye and act like you haven't seen me, that's all I ask."

  He nodded, "Okay I can do that but you're still gonna owe me, if Recon doesn't kill you first."

  That was highly likely but I was going all the same. I needed to find out what Stew wanted with Jazz today and why'd he'd upset her.

  "Thank you," I took the can from the desk and opened it. I was gasping and needed a drink.

  "Well I'll leave you to it," Ramsey turned on his heels and walked towards the door. "Oh Cade, look in the top drawer on the right. There may be something of use in there."
He smiled and left the room.

  I quickly placed the can onto the desk and opened the drawer as instructed and there lay a set of shiny silver keys, keys to Hound's ride that he kept here in the yard. My heart quickened, I could've kissed Ramsey, he was a lifesaver as this would get me over to Epping in no time. I snatched the bundle of keys from the drawer and held them firmly in my hand as I assessed my surroundings. How was I now getting out of the clubhouse without being detected?

  I smiled as the sun shone through the window to cast a shadow onto the desk. I glanced to my right for the first time noticing the big window, the blinds were down but open slightly so that I could see into the alley that ran adjacent to the clubhouse. The guys stored tyres and old car parts down there but as I pressed my nose closer to the window, I could see Hounds Harley sparkling proudly not too far away.

  "Fuck it Cade, you only live once," I said aloud as I pulled on the string to raise the blind. My heart raced as I pushed in the security buttons and twisted the handle to unlock the window.

  "Gotcha!" I pulled myself up onto the window ledge to rest my knees, once I knew that I wasn't going to fall, I moved my legs and stood on the tiny piece of plastic and stooped so that I wouldn't bang my head on the ceiling. I crouched and manoeuvred myself through the open window, it wasn't a high drop to the ground but it was going to be awkward for me to get down into the alley if I didn't use the tyres below. If anything, they'd break my fall if I fell.

  I turned my body around and kneeled on the ledge composing myself for the drop. The window frame shook a little as I manoeuvred myself down the wall and my legs swung around until I lowered myself far enough to make contact with a pile of tyres. Once I had my footing, I let go of the uPVC frame and used my hands to balance myself before dropping onto the ground.

  I let out a sigh of relief as my boots made contact with the concrete beneath me and knew that my goal was in sight. I removed the keys from my pocket and crept up the alley, I was out of sight from the main walk way and garage but I couldn't be too careful. Peering around the building, I noticed that no one was around so this was my best chance to make a quick exit.

  I slowly emerged from the alley looking around the yard to make sure I wasn't seen. I cocked my leg over Hounds motorcycle and placed the key into the ignition. I revved the engine a little, it had been idle for a while and was cold but I was more relieved that it had fuel, enough for a good ride. I sniggered, I shouldn't get a head of myself I needed to get out of here alive first before I planned anything further.

  I pulled away slowly at first and when I realised no one was around to stop me, I made a dash for the gates. My adrenaline pumped in my body through fear and excitement but once I was through the main gates, there was no stopping me because I was free, well at least until they caught up with me next.

  "Hi Cade, thank you for coming," Jazz stood and held her arms out ready to embrace me.

  I smiled as I made my arms wider and bundled her into my hold.

  "Come here, let me give you a big squeeze." I felt an element of relief wash over her body as I hugged her tightly. Her body sagged in my arms and she happily rested her head against my chest to breathe in my scent.

  "This is what I need. Your hugs seem to always make things better, they even did it when we were kids." I rubbed my hand against the back of head holding her close to my body, I didn't have any blood relatives that I was in contact with but as this very moment Jazz felt like family.

  "Mummy!" I looked down and noticed Thomas sitting on the metal framed seat swinging his little legs.

  "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. High five!" I removed my hand from the back of Jazzes head and showed him my open palm, he hit it with as much force as he could. The slapping sound made him giggle, "You have a good little boy there Jazz." I stated bringing my attention back to her. She moved her head from my chest and looked up at me, "Yes I do, I've been blessed."

  I gave her one last quick squeeze and quickly changed the subject before the conversation turned too heavy. I sensed an unhappy vibe around her today and I wanted to change her mood if at all possible. "Let's get some drinks ordered," I stated unwrapping my arms from around her.

  "Already on it, they'll be bringing them out shortly."

  I nodded, "Okay." I pulled the chair from under the table and took a seat next to Thomas. He had now turned his attention to his colouring set and was playing happily.

  "He's stated that he wants to see Thomas more." I heard the uneasiness in her voice and turned to see Jazzes eyes well with tears.

  I leaned forward and placed my hand on top of hers, "He hasn't got a chance in hell. With what we both know about him, we could get him arrested so let him run his mouth thinking he's the big man because he's living in cloud cuckoo land."

  With her free hand, she removed a tissue from her pocket and wiped the stray tear that rolled down her cheek, "I know that but his words and actions still hurt."

  Alarm bells started ringing, "Has he touched you?" she shook her head. "Thomas?" I asked in quick succession.

  Jazz glared at me, "Certainly not."

  I breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay good. Well you've just gotta keep your distance as much as possible until we come up with a plan."


  "Yes we. I told you Jazz, I lost you once I'm not losing you again."

  She smiled and removed her hand from the table as the waitress placed our drinks on the surface.

  "I take it that you still drink milky coffee," Jazz stated pushing the mug towards me.

  I nodded, "I do indeed." I took a sip of the hot drink and leaned back in the chair. "Mmmmm that's nice." I turned my attention to Thomas, "What's your hot chocolate like buddy?"

  He briefly glanced up from his colouring book, "I got sprinkles and marshmallows."

  "So what were you suppose to be doing this afternoon?" Jazz placed her mug onto the table and turned towards me waiting for a response.

  "Erm, I was in trouble so I was being punished," I sniggered trying to make light of the situation.

  "In trouble with whom?" Jazz shrieked.

  I pointed to my cut, I'd worn it the first time I'd seen her but she hadn't mentioned it therefore I didn't explain but now seemed like a good time as any.

  "What's that? Is it some kind of club that you belong to?" Jazz obviously didn't understand the whole biker scene but she briefly glanced in the direction of Hounds motorcycle.

  "Yeah, I'm a prospect with the Aces," I said proudly and I was very proud of that fact. I knew that I'd been sounding off the past day or two but that was due to circumstances, not my lack of love for the club.

  "And what does that mean exactly?" she asked picking up her mug from the table.

  "Let's just say it's like an apprenticeship," that was the easiest way for me to explain to her.

  She took a sip of her coffee and pondered before responding, "And what qualification do you get at the end of it?"

  Her comment made me laugh, "Erm I suppose many life skills."

  Jazz rolled her eyes, "So how'd you get involved in all that?"

  I shrugged, "I was lost, didn't realise I was looking for something until I found the club."

  "Well that's good then. So how come you were in trouble then?" she took another sip of her drink before placing the mug onto the table.

  "I 'borrowed' someone's vehicle without asking and went AWOL for the day so they punished me."

  Jazz chuckled, "By doing what?"

  "Cleaning the floor with a toothbrush," I stated, as if it was the most normal thing in the world trying to keep the humour from my voice.

  Jazz raised her hand to cover her mouth as she giggled, "And did you finish your chores?"

  " not exactly."

  "And is that yours?" she asked pointing towards Hounds motorcycle.

  " not exactly."

  She shook her head in mock disgust, "Oh well you really are gonna be in trouble now."

  "Yeah I know but I really wanted to see yo
u to make sure that you're okay."

  Jazz glanced over at Thomas happily colouring before looking at me with a smile, "And I'm pleased that you did."

  I picked up my mug and took a big swig, I felt so relaxed being in Jazzes company. There were no pretences, she knew me well enough to not judge or give a shit regarding anything I said or did. I needed this time to just be me, Cade the young man not Cade the young boy that had been abused.

  Jazz gulped down the rest of her coffee and placed the empty mug onto the table, "So what you doing for dinner?"

  I shrugged, "I haven't thought that far ahead hun, I was all set to scrub a floor with a toothbrush up until an hour ago."

  Jazz laughed, "Well if you've got no plans, do you fancy getting a takeaway at mine? Nathan isn't coming home this evening so it'll just be the three of us."

  "That sounds like a good plan." I turned towards Thomas, "Are you finished buddy?"

  He nodded, "What takeaway are we getting?" Thomas asked excitedly as he flung the colouring pencils into his pencil case.

  "I'm easy little man so if it's okay with Mum, then you can choose."

  "He rules the roost anyway so I'm fine with that," Jazz leaned over the table and helped Thomas to pack away his pencils and book.

  I stood and grabbed Thomas before chucking him over my shoulder and tickled his sides as he giggled loudly. People watched and from the outside world we probably looked like a young couple out enjoying each other's company over a cup of coffee, little did they know that we both had such troubled lives.

  I placed Thomas on the ground, making sure that he wasn't giddy from being chucked around and straightened up my jacket, "I'll ride the motorcycle round to yours and then we'll order some food coz I'm starving."

  "Okay I'll see you shortly."

  I watched Jazz take Thomas' hand and slowly walk towards the crossing. She'd come a long way since our stint at the children's home, I only hoped that I could rid her of some of the demons when I figured out what exactly I was going to do with Stew.


  "I see that we drew the short straw again," Stoney's humour was evident as we strolled into the Birdcage.