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- Aimee-Louise Foster
Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5)
Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Read online
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
CJ - Aces MC Series Book 6
Justice - Aces MC Series Book 7
Book 5.5 - Aces MC Series
By Aimee-Louise Foster
Text copyright © 2017 Aimee-Louise Foster
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to TUGS for making me smile again xx
Table of contents
Character List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
CJ - Aces MC Series Book 6
Justice - Aces MC Series Book 7
Character List
Club Members
Mitchell 'Duke' Groves - President
Ethan 'Diesel' Stokes - Vice President
Andy 'Bear' Harper - Sergeant at Arms
Daryl 'Justice' Hayes - Treasurer
Frank 'Hound' Watson - Secretary
Mark 'Woods' Davies - Road Captain
Connor 'Spike' Stokes
Jake 'Locke' Dixon - Deceased
Caleb 'CJ' Jones
Paul 'Rex' Regus
Charlie 'Stoney' Henderson
Jacob 'Skinner' Burns
Tyler 'Whip' Watson
Blake 'Recon' Washington
Elijah 'Lyric' Grey
Amy Stokes - Diesel's sister
Olivia 'Savannah' Reid - Stripper
Harlow 'Ink' Webb - Diesel's old lady
Taylor 'Ash' Miller - Duke's old lady
Maggie Watson - Hound's old lady
Louise 'Angel' Walker - Spike's old lady
Keira 'Irish' O'Flaherty
Chloe Watson - Salon worker
Paige Watson - Stripper
James Hudson - Doctor
Jayden Watson - Hang around
"Mum I'm hungry," I whispered tapping her shoulder lightly. I tried to be as quiet as possible rousing mum from her sleep as Derek lay beside her and hated the sight of me. He was a nasty piece of work and always played too rough. He occasionally hurt me and I had recently thought that this might have been on purpose because he always seemed to have a satisfying grin when he knew that I was in pain.
I still had the marks on my skin from the last time he played with me, the purple bruises on my arms were sore and hurt more when pressure was applied or clothing rubbed.
Derek called it play fighting and justified his actions by telling my mum that he was trying to toughen me up but he was a cruel bully and I was quickly learning to make myself scarce whenever he was around.
Unfortunately, my mum loved him so much so that I think she ignored the abuse I endured through fear of upsetting him. They argued a lot but he proclaimed to love her back and I understood why because she was a beautiful woman. She often played dress up and when she did, she looked pretty and had many admirers. Mum liked to wear red, it was her favourite colour and because she liked it so much, I did too. Whenever I picked her a flower or drew a picture, I tried to make sure that it included red because it made her smile and when she was happy there was no better feeling in the world.
My mum was a very sociable lady, she had many friends that visited her at our house and we always had music playing that resulted in many people staying overnight. The visitors were mainly Derek's friends but some were nice unlike him, they would give me chocolate or bring DVD's for me to watch while they enjoyed themselves. Mum would dance and drink wine with her friends before she took them into her bedroom to give them what she called cuddles. The cuddling made the men very happy as they always left the bedroom with a smile but my mum never looked happy when she said goodbye to them at the door, I think she missed their company. I always thought that this was strange because my mum's cuddles always made me feel happy and loved and I thought they would do the same for her.
I tapped her shoulder again. "Mummy," I whispered. "I'm hungry."
Her arm flung forward and I had to move quickly so that she didn't hit my face. Her movement startled me and made my heart beat fast inside my chest as it did when I ran quickly around the school playground.
Mum moved her hand around patting various items on the bedside cabinet and I wondered what she was looking for until she grabbed the alarm clock and brought it towards her face.
Squinting at the clock she let out a groan, "Cade it's 7.00am baby. What you doing up so early?"
I patted my tummy as it rumbled, "I'm hungry."
Mum placed the alarm clock back onto the bedside cabinet, knocking items over in the process. "Well go and make yourself something to eat," she whispered snuggling under the duvet.
"But I can't find anything," I answered in a small voice as my tummy rumbled again. My hunger had kept me awake for most of the night but now my tummy couldn't help but make strange noises because it was so empty.
"Well go back to sleep for a bit and when I get up I'll make you something," she rolled over turning her back towards me.
I was frustrated because she wasn't listening, I loved her with all my heart but sometimes I just wanted to shout at her so that she paid me more attention.
I remembered the time that I had visited Brian's house for dinner, he was my best friend at school and we played with each other every day. He had asked me numerous times to go to his house but my mum had always said no, until one day out of the blue she welcomed the idea as she was having some friends round to our house and wanted me out of the way.
I remembered being shocked when Brian opened the kitchen cupboards because they were full with food, just like the shelves at the supermarket. Lines and lines of delicious food and he was allowed to get something whenever he was hungry. That evening I stuffed myself silly and his mum didn't care one bit, in fact, I remember her smiling as I gorged on crisps, chocolate, cake and fruit. When Brian's mum dropped me off at home, I felt a different feeling in my tummy than what I was use to but the feeling of a full tummy soon turned into a tummy ache. My mum said it was because of all the rich food I had eaten and that I was gluttonous. I couldn't understand why she was angry with me and tried to explain about all of the food in the cupboards and how we were allowed to eat whatever we liked but she wouldn't listen to my explanation.
In the playground the following day, my mum had an argument with Brian's mum. She accused her of interfering in her life and finished the argument by slapping Brian's mum hard around the face. From that day I wasn't allowed to play with Brian again, he soon got another best friend and I had to play on my own again. My mum didn't talk to me for a couple of days after the argument and explained that she was very disappointed in me, but what I didn't understand was why she was so upset?
I turned my attention back to my mum. "But I've got school soon," I whined.
She rolled over to face me, "School?"
I nodded. "Yeah it's a school day," I replied excitedly.
"Are you sure?" Mum wiped her eyes before stretching.
I grinned, "Yep."
"For fucks sake!"
I stood motionless not wanting to upset her further but hoped that she'd still get up and possibly take me to
school. It wasn't far and some mornings we'd managed to get up, dressed and at school in fifteen minutes.
"Oh honey, have the day off today."
"But I've had lots of time off already," I answered back out of frustration.
She raised her brows slightly at my response, "Well another day won't fucking hurt ya then will it!"
I let out a sigh, "But I like school."
"You heard your fucking mother, now fuck off you little cunt I'm trying to get some sleep." Derek's booming voice echoed around the room and made my heart race. I'd forgotten that he lay asleep beside her.
Mum shooed me away quickly with a look of horror on her face but I couldn't understand why. I slowly backed out of the room as my tummy rumbled again, I'd have to do something to take my mind off it but hunger was becoming a regular occurrence.
I heard the faint cries from my two younger brothers coming from our bedroom and I quickly reached for the door handle. Before leaving the room, I turned back towards the bed to see my mum roll over and wrap her arm securely around Derek to snuggle beside him. I shook my head slowly, why did she love that man so much when he could be so horrible to me?
Chapter 1
I placed the polystyrene cups onto the counter and slowly walked over to my locker as I unfastened my jacket. Considering it was a Monday morning, I was surprisingly upbeat. I never liked to tempt fate but everything was ticking along just fine now.
Paige had settled back in well at home with Hound and Maggie and although she was a little quiet, Paige was doing well and attending her regular counselling sessions that seemed to be helping her recovery. I sniggered at the thought of Paige being quiet, I wasn't stupid to think that she wouldn't slip back into her old ways but for now I was enjoying giving my ears a rest. She was the fieriest woman I'd ever met, opinionated, frustrating and maddening at times but I seemed to have a way of controlling those moods especially when it came to fucking her. Paige was a spitfire and a fucking big challenge, like taking on a great white shark with a simple fishing rod but she allowed me to see a side to her that so few were privy to and that made me care for her deeply.
"Cheers Cade, which one is mine?" I turned to see Hound's hand hover over the cups that I had picked up from Starbucks on the way into work.
"Furthest away on the left Hound, caramel latte just how you like it." I wriggled from my jacket and stuffed it into my locker as best I could. I heard a satisfying sigh and glanced over my shoulder to see Hound's delightful expression as he removed the lid from the cup and brought it towards his nose so he could smell the sweet aroma.
I sniggered catching his attention, "What?" he asked glancing in my direction with a confused expression.
I closed the door to my locker and made my way over to where he was standing. "Nothing old man," I smirked stretching across the counter for my coffee.
Hound took a sip and let out a satisfying moan before the cup was yanked from his hand. Hounds shocked reaction followed the cup watching it being thrown into the bin.
"What the fuck!" he shouted as we both looked towards Duke.
He shrugged, "Don't give me the attitude Hound, you know you can't be drinking that shit." I heard Diesel snigger at Duke's response as he continued to work on his motorcycle in the far corner of the workshop.
"But I like it," Hound frowned genuinely looking upset.
I could see the frustration on Duke's face as he glanced between Hound and myself, "Are we really having this conversation?" Duke placed his hands onto his hips, "You've already had one heart attack and you've been told to watch what you eat and drink from now on. I know you like lattes but I like you more and therefore I'd like to keep you around for a little bit longer." I noticed Hound swallow hard trying to keep his emotions in check. Duke was right, Hound had given everyone a scare and he was now under strict instructions to live a healthier lifestyle by watching what he put into his body and was told to exercise more.
Duke turned and pointed his finger directly in my face, "Don't fucking buy him another sugary drink, do you understand?"
I nodded, "Yeah sorry, I just forgot." I'd completely forgotten and now I felt shit for tempting him with his favourite drink.
Duke nodded, "Right, we've got a busy one so get yourself ready for the day ahead Cade and redeem yourself by working hard." He immediately turned on his heels and made his way towards his ramp. Duke's words rung in my ears and I knew that I would have to work my arse off today to get in his good books again.
I faced Hound and placed my hand on his upper arm, "I'm sorry mate. I didn't mean anything by purchasing that for you, it was just habit."
Hound shrugged, "Don't be silly it was my fault for not reminding you. I'm sick of Maggie, Chloe, Ink and Amy running around after me that I thought I'd get away with it at work but obviously not." He rolled his eyes referring to Duke's little outburst as he picked up his wrench and strolled to meet a customer who had just walked into reception. Hound was certainly moving a little slower than usual and he'd been looking tired the past few days. Duke was right, we needed to keep an eye on him to make sure he was looking after himself but I knew it was easier said than done.
My phone vibrated pulling me from my thoughts, I rummaged around in my jean pockets taking out my keys and packet of chewing gums until I could get to it and smiled when I read the caller ID.
"Hey sweetness," I answered.
There was a brief pause before she responded, "Erm I'd like to speak to Cade please."
"Haha!" I said dryly.
"Why are you in such a good mood on a Monday morning?" I could hear Paige's confusion.
"No particular reason but what can I do for you?" I removed the lid from my coffee and took a small sip as it was still hot.
"Maggie asked me to call, she wants you to keep an eye on Frank."
"You mean your mum asked you to call and you want me to keep an eye on your dad?" Paige was still finding it difficult with the whole Maggie, mum, Frank, Dad thing so I constantly reminded her.
"Yeah whatever, you know what I mean," Paige immediately took a defensive attitude on the situation which made me smile. The Paige we all knew and some of us loved was certainly back this morning.
"He can't drink those sugary drinks that he loves," I sniggered at her comment. "What's up, why you laughing?" she asked confused.
"It's nothing but I'm fully aware of the sugary drink situation." She didn't need to know that he'd so nearly drunk one.
"Oh okay, I was only passing on the message from mum." Her responses were getting shittier and I could feel my good mood slowly dwindling. "I don't know why I bother sometimes!"
"Paige, stop with the attitude. I wasn't being shitty, just take a breath and chill before you blow a fuse." The line went silent, she hadn't hung up but I knew that she'd be steaming on the other end and wanting to kick off but she was trying to control her emotions.
"Look, I've gotta get on babe. Thank you for the heads up with your dad and I promise I'll look after him."
"Okay," she answered quietly.
"I'll see you this evening." I heard the dialling tone before I'd finished my sentence. I sniggered as the bitch had hung up on me, she would pay for that later with a fucking red arse.
I took another sip of my drink still smiling at the thought of Paige kicking off so easily and placed my phone into my pocket. It was then that a chill ran through my body and I dropped my cup. Brown liquid splattered onto the floor and up my jeans but I couldn't move, I froze in fear.
In that split second, I had reverted to the young boy with the past that I had tried so hard to forget but now that past was mixing with my present and I couldn't breathe properly. I felt like the walls were closing in and everything was out of my control, I needed space.
I stepped over the mess I had created and jogged to the back office, quickly closing the door behind me. I rested my back against the door trying to make sense of the situation but my head was a mess, I couldn't think straight. Pushing f
rom the door, I paced up and down the office as my heart thumped loudly in my chest, my throat had become dry and I was now struggling to swallow. A hot flush came over my body and my ears began to ring, I needed to get out of here, I needed to get far away.
I grabbed a bundle of keys from the top drawer of the filing cabinet and made my way to the bathroom to splash some water onto my face to try to cool myself down but it wasn't having the desired effect. I shouldn't run, I'd been running away from situations like this my whole life and I was finally in a good place to deal with the situation. In fact, if I were to tell the guys who the customer was and what he'd done to me when I was a child, he wouldn't make it out of here alive but I couldn't be dealing with that now. I was surprised by my reaction and the way at just hearing his voice had affected my rationale. For many years, I had considered what I'd do if I ever bumped into him but I never once though that I'd react like this and run away.
"Cade where are you man, I need you to deal with a customer." Hound had come into the office looking for me, I could hear the confusion in his voice at my disappearance.
"I'll be right out, I'm just having a slash." There was no way that I was going back out there but I wanted him off my case until I decided what I needed to do.
I heard the office door shut, this had bought me some time and given me the opportunity I needed to leave. I glanced up at the window and the situation would've been funny in different circumstances as it reminded me of when I first made contact with the Aces by breaking into the garage but I wasn't in any mood to reminisce.
I shut the toilet seat and used this as a platform to stand on before pulling myself onto the window ledge. It was difficult to manoeuvre, I'd obviously put on a few pounds since living with Maggie and Hound but I managed to shuffle my way through the opening.
"I usually find the door a much easier way of getting in and out of a building."
I hung on the outside window ledge before letting go and dropped with ease to the ground. I immediately spun on my heels to see Spike strolling towards me. I brushed down my t-shirt as I was now covered in all kinds of shit from climbing through the window but stood tall as Spike approached.