Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Read online

Page 5

  "Oh Chloe," she cried snuggling into the crook of my neck.

  My mum was a tough cookie, she rarely let her emotions get the better of her and wouldn't usually let people see her cry including her family but she sat here sobbing allowing me to comfort her.

  "Shhhh, it's alright mum." I brushed the side of her head as I quickly glanced around the room looking for clues that may help me figure out what had upset her but there was nothing.

  "Whatever it is we can sort it out." I squeezed her tightly and felt her tears soak into the thin material of my blouse.

  Mum abruptly pulled away, I released my hands unlocking them from around her shoulders as she sat upright. Using her index fingers, she wiped the tears from under her eyes and let out a loud sigh.

  She then cleared her throat, hastily stood without saying a word and paced around the living room.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked quietly not wanting to push her. This was unknown territory, Mum was always strong and I struggled to remember a time that she was upset besides the incident concerning my sister.

  "Paige was in a mood. She's had an argument with Cade and he left with the hump but now I'm concerned that she'll go on a bender."

  "Okay," I said nodding my head slowly. "Do you know what the argument was about?" If I knew some of the back story, I may be able to help.

  "You know what they're like, very up and down but they seemed good for each other."

  "What do you mean 'seemed'? Have they split up?" I knew that Paige had fallen for Cade and that a split may send her over the edge but I thought that they were happy, not on the verge of separating.

  "Not as far as I know but he left clearly annoyed and he's upset your dad. I know Paige is testing but I thought he knew how to handle her."

  I sniggered, "Does anyone really know how to handle her?"

  Mum smiled and for the first time in ten minutes, I felt a little light relief.

  "I'm sure it's all just a misunderstanding, Paige probably just needs some time to vent." I hadn't addressed the issue regarding Dad yet as I was trying to delve into Paige's possible state of mind.

  "That's what I'm worried about, she may go back to drinking or even drugs." Mum continued to pace the living room with her thoughts were elsewhere. After a long pause she turned towards me, "I've spoken to your Dad and he's just as upset about the situation."

  "What do you mean?" she needed to explain as I couldn't see why this would affect Dad also.

  "Cade just downed tools and left work this morning without saying a word."

  I looked at her confused, "Why would he do that?"

  Mum shrugged, "Your Dad's his sponsor and can get into all kinds of trouble but he didn't seem to care."

  "Well he'll need to be reprimanded then, I'm sure Recon will sort that out."

  Maggie rolled her eyes, "Your Dad just made an excuse to cover his arse."

  "Well he's just as bad then, how's Cade gonna learn if he's got Dad wiping his arse? He'll think it's okay just to take off whenever he feels like it and fuck the consequences."

  "Erm language!"

  I sniggered, "Mum, I'm a grown woman not a little girl anymore."

  "You'll always be my baby, just like your sister."

  I smiled regarding her telling me off. Being brought up in a biker community opened my eyes to an array of different things, I'd seen things that I probably shouldn't have ever experienced but still she was pulling me up for cursing.

  "And how's Dad doing?" I asked concerned.

  "He's not well Chloe, he needs time to recover but you know what he's like." I rolled my eyes, well aware of his stubborn side. "This situation is not gonna help though coz he gets irate, it plays on his mind and then he doesn't sleep."

  "Okay so what do you want me to do?" I needed to offer my services, Paige didn't listen to anyone when she was in a mood but I had to at least give it a go.

  Mum's face lit up, "Would you go and look for her?"

  I nodded, "I'm sure Ash will be okay if I explain the situation. Any ideas as to where she may be?"

  Mum shrugged, "Maybe try the Bird Cage or Resolute, even that place where she used to get drugs."

  My mouth fell open, "How'd you know about that place?"

  "I know everything, I'm your mother it's my job to know." I smirked and wondered just how much she did know about our lives.

  "Okay, well I'll go look for her then." I stood from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen.

  "Oh before I forget, are you going to see Dad or do you want me to see him later?" I asked hopeful that she would pay him a visit. He'd not been right since the heart attack and I didn't want this situation putting anymore strain on him.

  "Yeah, he was in a state earlier so for my peace of mind I need to head over there and make sure he's taking it easy."

  I nodded agreeing with her comment, he needed to start looking after himself. "Okay, well I'll just call Ash and head over to some of the places we discussed."

  "Thank you Chloe, I could call the club and get them involved but it's private, I don't want everyone involved if I can help it. Paige has had enough interference into her life."

  "I agree, if she sees the motorcycles pulling up and knows they are looking for her, she'll see it as a witch hunt and possibly take off."

  "Exactly my point."

  "Right I'll keep you posted."

  "Thank you Chloe," my Mum stated sincerely.

  "Hey, it's what families do. You taught me that." I turned on my heels and walked from the living room as Mum grabbed for her jacket. I was pleased that she was heading to the clubhouse to see Dad. He needed us to be strong for him because otherwise he'd just tick a long with no regards to how he was feeling. He couldn't be leaving us just yet, he had plenty of life in him still and I planned for him to make the most of it.

  I crossed the front lawn and grabbed for my mobile, Ash would understand my predicament but I had a full day of customers and needed to give her as much notice as possible in order for her to get my clients covered.

  "Hey Ash, something's come up so can I have a couple of hours off."

  "What's up Chloe?" she asked concerned.

  "Mum thinks Paige has gone on a bender so I've offered to try and track her down."

  "Yeah sure, it fucks us up a bit regarding customers but I'm sure I can get an agency member in plus Chanel wouldn't mind some overtime."

  I sighed with relief, "Thank you. Mum said she could get the club involved but she doesn't want her going AWOL by thinking that everyone is out to get her. This way we can keep it in house and hopefully I can get through to her."

  "Do you know what's upset her?"

  "I think she's had a row with Cade but that seems too trivial for her to take off like she has so I want to find the underlying cause of the situation. We can't have her relapsing now coz she's been doing really well."

  "You're right babe, look take as much time as you need we'll get your clients covered."

  "Thank you Ash, I appreciate your understanding of the situation."

  "Not a problem just keep me posted."

  "Will do," I ended the call and held my phone tightly as I slid into the driver's seat contemplating my next move. I decided to give Paige a call to see if she'd pick up and speak to me directly, that way I wouldn't be going on a wild goose chase.

  I looked through my contacts and pressed her name, taking a deep breath I pressed call and placed the phone to my ear. It rang until it went to answer phone, she obviously didn't want to speak to me at this moment in time. I tapped the steering wheel, while I tried to process the next course of action and decided to call Natasha at the Bird Cage. It was late morning and I wasn't sure if she was on the day or night shift but someone at the club would be able to help me by telling me whether Paige was at the club or not.

  "Good morning," a friendly female voice greeted me.

  "Hi is Natasha around?" I asked hopefully.

  "No, she's not in until this evening. This is Pearl spe
aking, can I help you at all?"

  "Pearl it's Chloe, Hounds daughter." I stated letting her know exactly who she was talking to.

  "Well hello sweetness, what do I owe this pleasure? Are you looking for a job?" she asked sniggering.

  I laughed, "If I ever felt like a career change Pearl, you know full well where I'd come." I stated humorously. "Actually I'm looking for Paige, I don't suppose she's there is she?"

  "Nah, I haven't seen her in a while if I'm honest."

  "Okay but if she turns up Pearl could you please give me a call?" I thought it best to let her know that I was looking for her.

  "Yeah sure, is your number in the book?" she asked.

  "It sure is, okay Pearl gotta run you have a nice day."

  "And you."

  I pressed end and immediately looked for Woods' number. I held the phone to my ear and eagerly willed for him to answer. I knew that he was busy sorting out stuff for whatever was going down with CJ but he'd always answer my calls if he possibly could.

  "Good morning princess and how are you?"

  His greeting made me instantly warm inside. "Not bad babe, missing you though."

  "I should hope so as I'm a hunk of burning love," I sniggered at his response. "Everything okay? Are you at work or on a break?"

  "Mum has some concerns regarding Paige. She's gone AWOL so I've said I'll look for her."

  "Okay but where you thinking?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

  "I've got a couple of hunches, there's the clubs and I'm thinking of going over to Kids."

  "Whoa, easy tiger I don't want you going over there on your own," Woods blurted.

  "And why not? He's not dangerous Woods." Kid was many things but he wouldn't hurt me.

  "That may be the case but he could owe people money or have dangerous people over there jacking up, anything could happen babe."

  I sighed, "Ever the protector."

  "Of course, you're my girl."

  "Look I'm not definitely going over there, I'm just sounding out some of my ideas." I tried to make light of the situation to stop him worrying.

  "Well good coz if you are I want someone to go with you. I'll call Ramsey, oh shit no he's busy...erm, Buster or even Cade can help you out instead."

  "Probably best that I don't use Cade as he's too close to the situation."

  "Oh shit has he upset her?" he asked chuckling at the thought.

  "I don't know yet that's why I've gotta find her."

  "Well keep me posted babe, look I've gotta run so if you decided to go over there, send me a text and I'll get you an escort."

  I rolled my eyes in frustration knowing that he couldn't see me, "Okay."

  "It's only coz I care, I'll speak to you later."

  "Bye," I ended the call and placed my phone into my handbag. I did not intend to take anyone with me, the sort of people that went to Kid's to smoke or inject would either run a mile or get defensive if the Aces turned up so it was best for me to go alone.

  I needed to head over to Kid's first, as far as I was aware Paige wasn't using and therefore wouldn't have any need to be there but it was a lead so I needed to at least investigate.

  It wasn't a long drive but I was dreading walking into such a place. I'd been here a couple of times before looking for Paige and it just felt like history was repeating itself.

  I pulled up outside and turned off the ignition. The house looked sleepy which was unusual, the other times that I'd been here, the building was very alive and a hive of activity but at this early hour it didn't look like anyone was home.

  I exited the car and shivered as the morning chill swirled around my bare arms. I hadn't planned on staying outside for a long period of time as I'd only popped home to collect my wallet but here I was standing in the street on a wild goose chase looking for Paige.

  I rubbed my arms trying to warm my skin as I briskly walked towards the house. The gate was ajar and I shimmied around it before walking up the path. The grass was lined with empty beer bottles, there'd obviously been a party here last night. I just hoped that the majority of people who attended had gone home so that I didn't need to speak to them.

  I knocked on the front door but noticed that it was slightly open already. I slowly pushed the door and peered through the gap trying to see who was inside before I entered the house. There were a few people mooching around in the living room to my right, they looked harmless and were probably still out of their nuts from last night's party. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open further giving me the space needed to walk into the hallway.

  It was a dirty hovel, how anyone could live like this was beyond me. I slowly made my way towards the kitchen stepping over litter and weaving in and out of furniture that obstructed my way but my end goal was in sight.

  "Fucking hell Chloe you gave me a fright!" Kid held a hand to his chest trying to calm his nerves as I stepped into the kitchen.

  "Where's Paige?" he knew who I was straight away which meant he must've seen Paige recently.

  "Why are you assuming I know?" Kid took a rizla from the packet and added a pinch of tobacco to it.

  "Cut the shit Kid, you know I only have to make one phone call and this place will be crawling with club members so we can do this the easy or the hard way, it's completely up to you."

  Kid sniggered, "Oh you've been with that bloke for what, all of two minutes and you're already pulling rank!" I was surprised that he'd done his homework on me.

  "Is she here or not?" I asked frustrated.

  He continued to roll his fag and didn't make eye contact, "No she left about an hour ago."

  "And do you know where she went?"

  "Do I look like I keep her diary?" I placed my hands on my hips giving him my most unimpressed look. He sniggered, "You look fucking hot when you're annoyed."

  "Is that why you're trying to piss me off so much?" I just wanted a straight answer from him but he was trying my patience.

  "Okay, okay!" He held his hand up in defence, "She mentioned Resolute, that's all I know."

  I nodded and turned on my heels, "Oh Chloe." I looked over my shoulder, "You sure you don't want to hang around for a bit. We could have a smoke or try something even harder and then have a bit of fun." He grabbed his nuts through his tracksuit bottoms and shook his hips.

  "I'd rather cut off my right arm and use it as a dildo than have you go anywhere near me, does that answer your question?"

  "Ooooo and I thought Paige was the one with the spiteful tongue."

  I gave him a wink before turning around and heading for the front door. I was portraying a hard exterior but inside I was screaming, I didn't do confrontational like Paige. I preferred to keep the peace and hoped that everyone got on but sometimes you needed to put your foot down in order to get what you wanted and I was learning and learning fast.

  As I walked past the living room on my way out of the house, I heard people having sex and knew that I needed to leave, I had already outstayed my welcome.

  This was a step too far even for me with my liberal mind. I stepped onto the front step and closed the door behind me. Taking in a big breath of cold air, I closed my eyes and calmed my nerves a little before I pushed from the door and made my way down the path towards my vehicle. I needed to speed things up and get over to the club, I didn't want Paige to go missing again and for me to be chasing her whereabouts all day.

  I spotted Paige as soon as I walked into the bar. There weren't many punters in because of the early hour but she was busy pacing the isle talking heatedly on her mobile. I didn't want to disturb her so I sat at one of the booths in ear shot of her conversation.

  "You know I can't do it," she paused listening to the person on the other end of the phone. Paige rubbed her forehead in frustration and stood still taking in what was being said.

  "Why are you asking me to do this, I'm not that girl anymore." Her voice became louder the more she became upset. "They'll never forgive me, they'd be no coming back from this plus it's morally w
rong." Paige tapped her foot in quick succession listening to the response but clearly not liking what she was being told.

  "Excuse me, I do have fucking morals and I love my family very much so." She paced the isle again and turned to walk in my direction but she was so consumed in her conversation that she didn't notice me.

  "You know what, you can do that if you want to but I won't be there, now don't ever fucking call me again." She removed the phone from her ear and pressed the end button aggressively, clearly annoyed with the way the conversation had gone. Paige stood with her hands on her hips and breathed heavily as she glanced around the room, not before long her eyes found mine and widened when she realised I was sitting not too far from her.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?" she immediately folded her arms across her chest in a defensive stance.

  I raised my hands, "I've come to see if you're okay, that's all Paige."

  "And I'm fine so you can go now." I rolled my eyes at her statement, she clearly wasn't okay and I was concerned regarding the conversation she'd just had on the phone.

  "Has Maggie sent you?"

  I lowered my hands and sighed at her reference to our mother, "Mum explained that you were a little upset earlier but no one told me to look for you, I thought I'd simply come and see if you needed to chat."

  "What about, the weather or where you may be going on holiday?" Paige was being spiteful regarding my job, she was clearly trying to upset and get rid of me but today that wasn't working.

  "Paige I haven't come here to give you a hard time, I've come here to make sure you're okay and that you aren't tempted to fall off the wagon."

  "Pffft, you really think that I'm that weak."

  "Well you did have an argument with Cade."

  "And that's gonna send me spiralling out of control? For fucks sake Chloe, I've got bigger things to worry about than an argument with Cade."

  I shrugged, "I hope not but do you want to talk about the other things?" Paige shook her head. "Okay well that's up to you but sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved."