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Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Page 16
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Page 16
I looked up from my phone as an urgent knock on my office door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I shouted, letting them know that it was okay to enter.
"Sorry for interrupting you boss but word on the street is that the girl is dead and her dad didn't recover from his heart attack."
I nodded slowly taking in the information and shooed him away. As he closed the door, I returned to my phone searching auto trader for local cars to purchase. We had another job coming up soon and I needed to buy an unmarked car, something legit that the police wouldn't pull over
"Well it looks like we got two for the price of one," I stated coldly. They meant nothing to me, they were simply pawns in my game of chess bringing me closer to my checkmate.
"It's a shame coz Paige was a looker." My brother picked up the bottle of JD from the table to pour himself another drink.
"That may be the case but she was damaged goods, her uncle had been there and so had everyone in the vicinity." She was the local bike, I wouldn't have touched it with somebody else's.
He sniggered, "You're an arsehole, you shouldn't speak ill of the dead."
I faked a shocked expression as I placed a hand over my heart, "Are you questioning my morality? I'm hurt brother."
"Pfffft, since when have you had a heart?"
I stood and paced around my office, there was a time that I had a big heart but that was ripped from my chest the day that my mother was murdered.
I removed my fag packet from the inside of my cut and flicked the lid open, "You wan't one?" I asked extending my arm.
"Nah, I'm good bro." I removed a fag and placed it between my lips as I rummaged around in my pocket for my lighter.
Where the fuck was it? I patted down my cut hoping to find it when I remembered that I'd leant it to Paige, the thought made me chuckle.
"What you laughing at?" my brother asked staring at me confused.
"I only went and leant my fucking lighter to Paige." I rolled my eyes as I walked to the high chest along the far wall.
"Well you ain't getting that back then are you," he sniggered.
I opened the top drawer and rummaged around pushing the papers from side to side until I found what I was looking for. I removed the small box of matches from the drawer and lit my fag. I blew the smoke out with a heavy sigh, the need for vengeance against the Aces was eating me up inside but I was worried that the death of Paige and Hound would now bring the matter to a head which was a little sooner than I had planned. I still had to put some things in place so that the club was more than prepared for the inevitable but it didn't matter, sooner or later I would get my revenge and propel my club into the spotlight and number one position.
CJ - Aces MC Series Book 6
Please enjoy a preview of Book 6 from the Aces MC Series, which is available now from Amazon.
"I don't give a shit if you're ill, your legs are falling off or you're dying, you don't disrespect the family name by forfeiting a fight. Now get your arse out there." Dad pointed to the window clearly infuriated by the situation.
"But dad Caleb's got chickenpox, he's too weak to fight." I swung my legs from the bed and placed them onto the carpet as I let out a loud sigh listening to Fallon trying to defend me.
"I don't give a shit, the Smiths will be here in half an hour so you better be up and ready to fight."
I simply nodded letting him know that I understood, there was no point in arguing with him because I'd never win. He turned on his heels and stomped from my bedroom leaving an atmosphere in his wake.
I ran my hand up and down my arm trying to relieve some of the itching sensation but it was no use, as soon as I released the pressure the irritation returned.
"Stop it you'll make it worse and they'll scar," Fallon sat beside me on the bed holding a bottle of Calamine lotion. "You'll need to put some of this on Caleb, it'll ease the urge to scratch." Fallon quickly unscrewed the lid and tipped the bottle allowing the pink liquid to cover a cotton wool pad before she dabbed a few spots on my arm with the lotion.
I smiled, "Thank you." Since Mum had died, Fallon had taken on a mothering role to look after the home and us. At fourteen, she would now be expected to start courting someone from the community but we weren't allowing her to get with any little scrote, just to follow tradition. They broke the mould when they made her so there was no way that the family would just allow her to settle.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't get him to cancel the fight, you know what he's like when he has a bee in his bonnet." Fallon moved to my other arm to dab the spots with the lotion.
"You're such a sweetheart Twizz," she put our happiness before her own every time, which made me love her even more.
"I'm just doing what any other sister would do," Fallon smiled as she stood and assessed my arms and face checking to see if she'd covered the majority of the spots. She quickly leaned closer and dabbed her cotton pad in the crease of my nose giving me a cheeky wink.
"Right, I think he's had enough fussing, CJ has a fight to get to." Fallon frowned and stepped back, giving me an opportunity to glance in the direction of the archway to see Finn glaring at me.
"I'm coming, just give me a minute to get my shorts on." I stood and raised my arms high to stretch, I'd been in bed now for over twelve hours as I was trying to stay out of everyone's way through fear of them catching the virus but the rest hadn't done me any good as I was still shattered and was feeling weak. Fallon had given me something to eat to keep my strength up earlier this morning but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light again.
I grabbed for my shorts from the floor and stepped into them feeling a little uneasy on my feet. I was in the best physical shape possible for this fight due to my fitness regime but this virus had knocked me for six and could now well hinder my ability to fight at my best.
I knew there was a lot riding on this fight, this would determine whether we lived like kings or ate like paupers for the next month. It was this pressure that made me fight to my best and want to win but I hated this existence, this wasn't the life I wanted as I didn't enjoy the uncertainty of it all. I knew that if I ever had children, I'd want them raised within a stable environment knowing that they'd always be provided for and given the love and affection needed. I knew that it wasn't dads fault that mum had passed but life was no different when she was alive. We lived cap in hand and with so many mouths to feed things were tough, it was just a godsend that we could all fight as this was the only thing that was keeping a roof over our heads and food in our tummies.
"Come on you need to warm up before the fight begins." Eli poked his head into the room and nodded in the direction of the yard. I knew everyone would now be congregating over the field where we held our fights and the tummy flutters of excitement and nerves started to kick in.
"I'll be out shortly," I stood in the middle of my bedroom swinging my arms back and forth warming up the muscles as I waited for everyone to leave. I needed a minute by myself to process everything that was buzzing around my head and deal with the emotions that I was now feeling. One thing I knew for sure is that I needed out of this shit, I was sick of being poor and I couldn't wait until I joined the army in 551 days and counting.
Justice - Aces MC Series Book 7
Please enjoy a preview of Book 7 from the Aces MC Series, which will be available in May 2018 from Amazon.
Paige and Hounds death had put things into perspective. People would always quote that 'life was too short', but it wasn't until these tragic events that I truly believed the saying.
Since that night, I had spent many evenings reminiscing with Maggie and the guys, I had also taken my anger out on many scrotes and didn't think that I could cry any harder than I had over the past couple of weeks but I just couldn't help it as my emotions were all over the place.
I had known Hound for over twenty-five years, he was a good friend, club brother but most importantly, he was like a r
I had watched his family grow over the years, Tyler, Jayden, Paige and Chloe were all fantastic in their own rights but it was the fiery attitude of Paige that made her stand out from her siblings. She had the ability to brighten up a room with her smile and equally with her wicked sense of humour but as she got older, although she became deeper and sometimes spiteful Paige still held onto her warm inner qualities that unfortunately so few got to see.
It was Paige's death that had spurred me on, in taking the first steps in trying to make contact with my children. Many obstacles had been put in my way over the years to prevent me from seeing my children but with their happiness in mind, it was easier to walk away than drag them through the courts as I had with my two eldest boys.
No man should ever have to fight to see their children, it should be a god given right but I hadn't chosen wisely when it came to picking woman to have relationships with.
Although it had been made difficult, I never shirked away from my responsibilities financially. Regular payments were made to the three that were still in education and for the four that I couldn't find, money was set aside in bank accounts ready for the day that I found them.
I let out a long sigh as I sat writing the list, trying to work out their last known whereabouts and how I was going to make contact.
I was interrupted when my phone rang, I picked it up from the table and pressed accept.
"Have you got any news?" I asked hastily.
"Yep, we've tracked down Shaydon."
My heart thumped hard inside my chest, "Thank you CJ, I owe you one."
"Not a problem mate, I'll message all the info over to you shortly." He ended the call and I sat staring at the list.
I felt like I now had a purpose. I had been a shit dad over the years because I hadn't been around but that was all about to change. I was going to make contact with all of my children even if it was the last thing I did.
End of sneak peek.
To continue reading the series, be sure to read Book 7 from the Aces MC Series – Justice, available in May 2018 from Amazon.
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