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- Aimee-Louise Foster
Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Page 14
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Page 14
I swallowed hard, even the sound of his name sent shivers up my spine. "Oh okay."
"Babe, I'm coming over."
"Don't be silly, he can't do anything to me now Skinner. I'm a grown woman, it's a little different to all those years ago." I portrayed someone that seemed a lot stronger than what I was actually feeling inside but it was a copping mechanism that I'd developed over the years.
"Wait hold up, his going on holiday for a while so he won't be around for a bit."
"What the fuck is going on?" I knew that Skinner was now talking in code and that they had Josh held up somewhere but I wasn't sure as to what had gone on for the club to even have him.
"I don't know babe but I'm coming down to the Bird Cage. I won't interrupt your evening with Amy but if there's no one around the club tonight, it won't hurt if I show my face."
I sighed, "Well that's up to you, I'm a big girl now Skinner."
"But you're not just anyone's girl are you, you're all mine. Now shut up wench and get me a beer in, I'll be with you in ten."
I sniggered, I loved it when he called me wench, I would never grow old of him calling me that. "Whatever you wish sir," I replied taking the piss.
"If only that were true, right get off my phone. See you soon."
He hung up and I placed my phone back into the back pocket of my jeans.
"Earth to Savannah." I looked up to see Amy waving at me.
I drew my brows together, "What's up?"
"You were in a dream like state with a sickly smile on your face by the end of the conversation."
"No I wasn't." I grinned as Amy simply rolled her eyes.
We turned once again as the girl in the corner of the room gobbed off to the waitress.
"Right I'm not having this anymore." I stood and took a sip of my drink.
"Just leave it, she'll get thrown out soon enough." Amy was a lover not a fighter and preferred to let things take their natural course but that wasn't me.
"As the future wife of the president of the Kent chapter, it is now my duty to uphold the Aces motto."
Amy shook her head and laughed hard, "And that is?"
"I don't know but it sounded cool. I'll think of something about kicking arse!" I gave her a wink and strolled across the club, saying hello to a few punters along the way. It had been a while since I'd been here but this is the one place that truly felt like home.
As I approached, I heard the dulcet tones of Paige's mouth. I inwardly groaned, I should've known it was her.
"I see that things haven't changed much around here since I've been gone." I sat in the booth opposite her.
"Er...were you invited?"
I sniggered, "Are you always this polite to people you haven't seen for a while?"
"Fuck you, I didn't ask you to sit down and I certainly didn't ask for a lecture." Paige picked up the bottle of vodka and gulped it down neat.
"Oh has it been one of those days," I indicated to a passing waitress to bring me over a drink. I had a feeling that I'd be here a while trying to calm her down before she did anything silly.
Paige placed the bottle back onto the table and picked up her lighter, she released the flame, then put it out with her thumb and continued to do this burning her flesh each time.
"Paige, what's got you like this today, what's gone on?"
"As if you care," she screwed up her face as she dismissed my genuine concern.
"Look, I admit you're not my most favourite person in the world but I don't like the fact that you seem hurt. Sometimes it's better to talk about things even if it is just to me. I can listen or I can also give advice, that's up to you."
"I wan't you to fuck off and mind your own business." Paige was becoming increasingly agitated but I wasn't backing down.
"Well that's not an option," I stated before smiling at Hetty as she placed my drink onto the table.
"So come on, what's gone on?"
Paige picked up her bottle of vodka again and took a large gulp, she didn't even pull an awkward facial expression as she swallowed the liquid so she must've been highly intoxicated to be able to do that with such ease.
"I've already been here once today and Justice took me home," she seemed proud of the fact that she hadn't listened to him and was now back in the club.
"Well is that wise? He obviously took you home for a reason." Well that explained the state that she was in, she'd been drinking all freaking day.
"I just want him to love me," she sighed placing the bottle between her thighs and holding the neck.
Her response took me by surprise, "Oh, I didn't consider your problems to be a man."
"What do you mean by that?" she asked affronted.
"Nothing, I just thought you were a kinda fuck em and leave them kind of girl. I didn't realised you were after a relationship."
"You're such a condescending bitch sometimes Savannah. I forgot your world is just perfect." I saw the hatred in her eyes as she glared at me.
"I'm not being horrible Paige, I truly thought you were happy not being tied down that's all I meant by the comment." Me and my big mouth, I'd been brutally honest and in the process upset her further.
Paige let go of the bottle and played with the lighter again. "Well this one has made me fall for him."
"Well that's a good thing then isn't it?" I asked confused by her comment.
"Not when the feelings aren't reciprocated."
"Well do you know that for sure?" Paige shrugged. "Well shouldn't you be asking him rather than sitting here drowning your sorrows?"
"He was spotted with a girl and her kid, he's gotta be cheating on me anyway." Paige flicked the lighter speeding the pace.
"Can you move the vodka away from the flame Paige, I don't fancy being blown up if I'm honest."
Paige ignored my request and continued turn the lighter on and off in quick succession. "It's alright for you, you have your whole world mapped out for ya."
I sighed, I wasn't getting anywhere with her. She was in a deep state of depression and self-loathing. "Paige, my life hasn't always been easy."
"I'm being totally honest. I don't want to go into details but it's similar to your story babe."
Paige looked up through her long locks that had fallen in front of her face. She was always immaculate that seeing her like this took me by surprise. She was in need of help, I needed to at least call James or even Maggie to come down here and speak to her.
Her phone bleeped, she placed the lighter onto the table and picked up her phone to read the message.
"Look," she held up her phone so that I could read the message.
I'm sorry Paige, I've fucked up over the last couple of days. I need to explain the situation but I just want you to know that I love you. Yes, three little words hold so much meaning and I want you to know that I truly do. Please give me a call when you get this message, I have something more important to tell you.
"Well that's great, he's said that he loves you." She placed the phone back onto the table and while she was distracted, I went to grab the lighter but Paige got their first.
"Naughty, naughty, you gotta be quicker than that." Paige winked feeling proud of herself for beating me to it. "That there is a guilty conscience. It translates to, 'I'm sorry but I'm having an affair. I'll explain it later but remember I love you so that you don't finish with me. Give me a call so that I can worm my way out of it before I tell you that I'm also a father to her child."
I laughed, "You've got one over active imagination there Paige."
"Nope, I know how people work. I know how they lie and manipulate situations to get what they want out of life." Paige picked up the bottle of vodka and took a big gulp. Placing the bottle back onto the table she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Mmmm that tastes good."
"Paige you're hurting, you need to go home and sleep on it. Everything will seem better in the morning trust me."
"And why are you still here giving out your advice?" Paige s
lurred her words.
"Because I care."
"Pffft, You don't care, you're a fucking hypocrite and probably love the fact that I'm unhappy."
"No, do you remember the time you nearly broke my nose?" Paige shook her head wildly and grabbed the lighter from the table again to flick it on and off at speed.
"That was a long time ago." I tried to calm the situation by lowering the tone and talking slowly.
"But doesn't mean that I've forgotten it." She glared at me again and flicked the lighter in front of my face.
"You can't have much to live for anyway, like you said you had a shit upbringing like me."
"Yeah but things are on the up." I wanted her to know that even by having a crap childhood, life could get better if you surrounded yourself with the right people.
"No one will miss you Savannah, don't think you're that special." Her vile words stung but I knew that she was just hurting and trying to hurt others in the process.
"Come on Paige, stop being vicious." I placed my hand upright resting on the table, hoping that she may take my hand.
She simply ignored my gesture and I retracted my hand. "It's what I do best. So anyway are you coming with me?"
"Where do you want to go?" I looked at her confused.
Paige dug around in her pocket and brought out a small bottle, she placed it between her lips and pulled off the end cap. "Well you don't have a choice, you'll love it Savannah, buddy, bestest pal."
What the hell was she going on about? Paige was getting agitated, I needed to try to calm the situation or just leave her to it as my presence wasn't helping.
Paige squirted some of the clear liquid across the table, it sprinkled onto my top and hair and I was confused by her actions.
"It'll only hurt for a little while."
The realisation hit me, I now knew of Paige's intentions.
"You don't have to do this Paige." I held out my hands in a calming manner hoping that it would work but she looked vacant almost deranged. "You've been through a lot but you're strong. You've got through it, you're building a new life with your new man and for the first time he's just told you that he loves you. That must count for something Paige." My words were now getting desperate, I didn't want it to be over, not for her and certainly not for me.
"I'm done with it all," Paige picked up the lighter and went to press it. I launched over the table and knocked Paige to the ground with a thud. I knew that I was stronger than her and now I'd given myself an advantage. The lighter flew from her hand and slid across the floor out of reach. We'd now gained attention from some of the other punters that started to make their way over to see what was going on. It wasn't unusual for fights to happen in the club but it was rare for two women to go at each other.
I scrambled on top of her and punched her square in the face, she was pissed so wouldn't feel the intensity of the punch until the morning. I stood but my adrenaline was still pumping and I couldn't help but swing my leg back and kick her in the stomach. "How fucking dare you pull a stunt like that you cunt." My words flew from my mouth with pure anger, I was livid and wanted to do her more damage because she'd threatened my life.
"You may be done with your life but you don't play god with mine." I crouched briefly to pick up the lighter and slipped it into my pocket so that it was out of harm's way.
Paige moved her hair from her face and I was shocked to see her smile. The smile turned to a giggle and then a laugh that could now be heard over the music.
"You're fucked up, you're beyond help."
Paige placed her hand into the inside pocket of her jacket and continued to laugh, my eyes widened at the realisation and had to make a split second decision of what to do.
With her other hand Paige unzipped her jacket and I saw the clear liquid bottles fastened to her body with parcel tape.
Paige quickly opened the box of matches that she had clutched in her hand and removed one, people had now gathered around us and as they saw what was going on, they panicked and left the club. The music had now stopped and some people hung around not knowing what was going on and jostled for a closer look.
I slowly backed away, "Paige, there's still time to change your mind."
She glanced at the bags beside the booth that she was just sitting in and created a hand gesture of an explosion.
"What they've asked me to do Savannah is impossible, I couldn't do that to my family so I'm dead already." She had now calmed down and was talking quietly. I saw a tear slither down her cheek and she looked like a helpless lost little girl.
"What do you mean Paige, you're not making any sense. I'm trying to help you but you're not letting me."
"Leon," with that she struck the match and flicked it towards the bags. They instantly caught alight and took hold of the surrounding area. A small trail left the main fire and worked its way towards Paige. She didn't move and allowed it to reach her knowing her own fate. She was quickly engulfed in flames as the fire touched her sodden clothes from the lighter fuel she had sprayed on herself earlier. Her screams were awful as she subjected herself to excruciating pain.
I stood back shocked that she'd even consider doing this, "Someone help me." I frantically looked around the club but it was a hive of activity, people screamed trying to put distance between themselves and Paige. I turned back towards her, she rolled around in agony spreading the flames to everywhere she touched.
Jordan a regular punter ran towards her with a fire extinguisher and sprayed her but found it difficult to focus as she was rolling around the floor and the smoke was becoming heavier.
I knew that I needed to get out, I turned and ran towards the exit as best I could as visibility was becoming restricted.
A huge flash hurt my eyes and the intensity of the explosion knocked me to my knees but from the bright light quickly came the darkness.
"Fuck!" We pulled around the corner to see numerous emergency service vehicles lining the street.
"This doesn't look good Duke." I dumped the 4x4 up on a small grass verge so that it was out of the way of the emergency vehicles and ran over to where the police had cornered off the area.
"We need to find out what's going on, you go that way and I'll head up here. Try and find who's running this." Diesel nodded and jogged through the crowd that had now congregated to watch the blaze.
I shoved people from my path trying to find the person in charge, before long I saw an officer and tried to get his attention from where I was standing. The tape that was put across the car park was a deterrent and made people stand at a distance but not me, I needed to find out what was going on and how many people had been injured.
"Sorry buddy you can't get any closer, can you step back behind the tape." An officer approached me and tried to shoo me back further.
"This is my club, I need some information." I gazed around the area, this wasn't going to be good.
"Well if you step back sir, I'll find someone to come and talk to you." He was firm with his instructions and I didn't like being spoken to in that manner.
"I'd appreciate it more if you took me to see them." I knew that I was pushing my luck and the more I argued the less they would be cooperative but I couldn't help myself.
"And I'd appreciate it more if you stepped back behind the tape and do as you're told. Like I said, I'll go and get someone to come and talk to you but as you can appreciate they are a little busy."
He opened his arms wide and stepped forward so that I had to retreat back to the tape.
"Fucking prick," I muttered under my breath. I wanted to punch the smug cunt in the face but I couldn't get myself arrested, I needed to sort this shit out first.
"Duke," I glanced across the crowd of people and saw Diesel beckoning me.
Ducking under the tape, I made my way through the crowd towards him.
He pulled at my cut dragging me to the side of the building where it
wasn't as hectic and pointed towards the car park.
Two ambulances were parked with their back doors open and injured people were being brought out and placed on the ground waiting for medical assistance.
"Fuck, there's quite a few injured, most probably from smoke inhalation."
"I ain't talking about that Duke, look!" I followed the line of his arm and saw three white sheets on the ground, that were obviously covering bodies and my heart sank.
I turned as I heard people approach, "This is catastrophic, I hope your insurances are valid."
"Stoney you need to back down man because the mood I'm in at the moment, I'll smash your fucking face all over this car park. If you've got something to say, we'll deal with it after I've dealt with this situation and not before."
I turned on my heels and ducked under the barrier, "Can I help you gentleman?" I looked up to see a police officer approaching us.
"Fuck!" I said under my breath as I straightened up. "I'll distract him, you go and take a look." Diesel and Stoney stepped back as the officer approached.
"I'm the owner, I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do." I played the sympathy card and hoped that he'd take the bait to give the guys the time they needed.
"I'd leave it to the professionals, I'm sure the Sergeant will talk to you once he knows more." The police officer almost dismissed me.
Over the officer's shoulder, I saw Diesel and Stoney jog towards the covered bodies. I tried to not look too distracted and nodded, "I know, I just feel so helpless."
"Understandable sir but it won't take too long. The fire is now out and once it is deemed safe you may be able to go in."
Diesel pulled back the first cover and shrugged his shoulders indicating that he didn't know who the first person was.
"Do you know what may have caused the fire?" I asked but I was more concerned by what was going on behind him.
Diesel pulled back the second cover and I could see the hurt register quickly on his face, he didn't look up and swiftly moved to the third sheet. I saw the devastation on his face as his hand went straight to his mouth.
The police officer must've seen my concern and turned to follow my eye line.