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Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Page 8

  Tap Tap Tap

  I pulled my jacket up further to cover my shoulders. It was freezing and I was shattered from not having much sleep. I shuffled onto my side and tried to get comfortable but without any luck.

  Tap Tap Tap

  What the fuck was that? I peered through one eye and immediately took in my surroundings.


  I was still in the 4x4, I must've fallen asleep. I shot bolt upright and franticly looked around to see Spike standing beside the vehicle resting his blade on the window.

  He knocked on the glass again but this time looked directly at me.

  The realisation of what I had done slowly dawned on me and I gingerly raised my chair to a sitting position. Spike stepped back from the vehicle giving me the space needed to open the door, his door. I groaned at the thought, shit I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

  "Good morning Cade," Spike greeted me with an unreadable expression.

  I stepped from the 4x4 and placed my hands into my pocket not knowing how to greet him, "I just wanted to say that I'm..."

  Spike made contact with my left cheek and it stung like a motherfucker. He had a clean shot as my hands were firmly inside my pockets, I knew it was a cheap shot and no one should hit a man unaware but I knew not to retaliate. At the end of the day, I had stolen his vehicle and deserved everything that I got.

  "Keys," Spike held out his hand waiting for me to place the keys into his palm. Spike was usually mild mannered so I knew that he was pissed with me and I instantly regretted my actions.

  "If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll inform the club and you'll be getting a visit from Recon as well. Consider this your first and final warning, am I making myself clear?"

  I nodded, placed the small bunch of keys into his palm and stood quietly waiting for him to act next.

  "What's this?" Hound leaned into the vehicle and picked up my small note pad.

  I hadn't even realised that Hound was with Spike until he spoke, I'd been too consumed in what Spike had in store for me. I quickly leaned forward and snatched the note pad from his grasp, my actions took him by surprise and he became a little unsteady on his feet.

  "Don't ever touch my stuff again," I shouted. I was livid, how dare he touch my things. I didn't want him to see my scribbling's on what I'd found out last night, if he saw them then he may inform the club and they'd stop me from acting in the way that I wanted to. I also didn't want him to find out exactly what had happened to me, it was embarrassing enough without the club knowing.

  Spike immediately grabbed me by the scruff of my neck, my t-shirt tightened around my skin and it pinched as Spike pushed me around his 4x4 towards the passenger side. He pulled at the handle and didn't wait for the door to fully open before he tried to push me in.

  "Ouch," the edge of the door caught my shoulder and a pain surged through my body.

  "Just shut your fucking mouth and get in the Jeep. I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth otherwise I'm gonna do you some harm." I sighed but did as I was told and manoeuvred myself until I was sitting in the vehicle.

  Spike slammed the door shut and walked towards Hound, he had now regained his composure and was talking heatedly to Spike regarding what had just happened. I couldn't make out what he was saying word for word but I could see from his body language that he was annoyed. Spike seemed to calm Hound down and ushered him to his car that was parked a little further down the road. I contemplated taking off but knew deep down that I'd only make the situation worse than it already was. It was time that I faced the music and hopefully I hadn't burnt all of my bridges with Spike because he had some power to stop me getting a kicking from Recon although I didn't think he was in any mood to protect me.

  As I sat waiting for Spike to return, I mulled over the events from the past twenty-four hours. I'd taken a lot in, I probably hadn't processed as much as I would've liked to but I needed to prioritise the information and see what would benefit me most in dealing with the situation with Stew.

  I didn't see Spike return to the vehicle and was startled when he opened the door, I refrained from looking in his direction as he got comfortable in his seat and started the ignition. I didn't fancy another bollocking from him so I sat quietly and looked out of the window contemplating my fate.

  "I'm not going to ask the whys, what or how's, I just want you to understand that you were in the wrong." Spike adjusted his seat and rear view mirror before focussing his attention to the road. I noticed Hound sitting in his car, quietly contemplating. Our eyes met briefly but he looked away clearly upset with the outcomes over the past couple of days. He'd been good to me in the short time we'd known each other and I was well aware that I was acting like a knob but my emotions were on edge and I was hitting out at those who cared about me most. I promised to myself that I'd make it up to him once the situation was under control, I only hoped that he would listen.

  "I know that and I'm sorry." I wasn't going into a full blown apology, I wasn't in the mood for talking and I didn't think Spike was up for pleasantries. I'd seen a different side to Spike, I had heard that he had a nasty streak to him when pushed and understood that his kindness shouldn't be taken for weakness but I never thought for one minute that I'd see it firsthand.

  "Forgotten already," Spike reached forward and pressed the button for the radio so there weren't any uncomfortable silences on the journey.

  The subtle sound of Adele played and I felt an element of relief. Spike wasn't going to carry it on and I was able to sit and relax so much so that I drifted off through lack of sleep and exhaustion.

  "Cade we're here mate." I slowly opened my eyes and gazed through the glass trying to find my bearings.

  "We're at yours," I stated a little confused. Why had he brought me to the house he shared with Angel and the kids?

  "Well you can't go home at the moment and if you go back to the clubhouse Duke and Recon will start asking questions and then they'll want to kick your head in so you can chill here for a bit until you get yourself sorted."

  Spike unfastened his seatbelt and exited the vehicle. I groaned as I watched him make his way towards his house though as this meant that I'd have to be sociable toward his family. I wasn't in any mood for pleasantries and hoped that Angel and the kids were out so that I could be left alone to feel sorry for myself.

  I patted my breast making sure that my notepad was still fastened safely inside my jacket. I couldn't afford for that to fall into the wrong hands and I wanted to have the choice of maybe handing it to the police once I had investigated Stew for a couple of days.

  I turned to open the door, the cold air hit me as I stepped onto the pavement and I stretched trying to loosen some of my joints as I yawned loudly.

  "We keeping you up?" I turned in the direction of the voice to see Angel greeting me with open arms.

  "Don't make a fuss babe, Cade's a little grumpy from lack of sleep."

  I gave her a small smile as I joined her and Spike at the front door, "I don't care, no hug no entry." She laughed to herself and stepped closer giving me no choice but to allow her to hug me. I didn't know Angel well but I had heard what she'd been through and over come. She was small in build but a very strong and gutsy bird all the same.

  Angel's arms didn't meet around my broad shoulders but she hugged me closely and patted my back with her small hands before gently letting go.

  "Are you okay?" her eyes looked sincere but felt like they pierced deep into my soul, as if she was able to see my inner thoughts.

  I simply nodded, I didn't want to start talking as I sensed that if I did, I may not be able to stop myself and end up telling her all my secrets. On all accounts she'd been through a turbulent time herself and she would be able to relate but all the same some things were worth keeping close to your chest.

  "Good, well please come in." She extended her arm towards the house and I slowly stepped passed her into the porch.

  "You must be starving, follow the sound o
f Devon and Tommy and you'll find yourself in the living room. I'll be along shortly to make you some food."

  I glanced in the direction of Spike to make sure everything was okay, he nodded and I did as I was told and made my way down the corridor. The archway led into a spacious living room and as I entered, Devon and Tommy looked over the back of the sofa directly at me.

  "Hi Cade," Devon shouted as she waved at me from across the room. She was a little madam, bold as brass just oozing in confidence. "Do you want to play Mario Kart?" she asked holding up the controller in her other hand.

  I shrugged, "Aren't you playing with Tommy?" I walked further into the living room and made my way around the sofa so I could face the children properly.

  Devon rolled her eyes, "He's rubbish, I need someone that can actually race me." She snatched the controller that Tommy was holding, he just gazed at her as if he was used to her bossy ways.

  Devon passed me the controller and I moved slightly to see Tommy fully, "Do you mind?"

  "Just make sure you beat her," Tommy giggled until Devon turned to give him the evil eye.

  I sniggered aloud, I remembered the rivalry between me and some of the other children in the care homes over the years. Some competition could be healthy and I wanted to win for Tommy as he looked like he'd been beaten many times before by his twin sister.

  I accepted the controller from Devon and sat forward in the armchair, how hard could it be racing against a young girl.

  "Are you ready Cade?" she asked sweetly. I nodded in response as I felt my heart rate increase, "Okay, ready, steady, go!" she shouted in time with the wording on the screen.

  I chased Devon around the track, her giggling gave me a warm sensation inside. My childhood was rocky from the get go so there weren't much to actually laugh about but her shrieks and giggles made me smile.

  I felt the presence of someone behind me as I continued to chase Devon and the rest of the characters around the track, I was in last position and feeling a little foolish that I was allowing a seven year old to wipe the floor with me.

  Devon glanced in my direction once the race had finished, "I thought you were going to be better than Tommy, not worse."

  She rolled her eyes as Spike stepped closer to ruffle her hair as he strolled past, "No one can beat you on that game poppet." Devon smiled accepting his compliment gracefully.

  "Another game?" she asked holding up her controller as if almost goading me to try to beat her.

  I nodded, "Come on then, the first game was just a warm up."

  "Yeah, Yeah!"

  Tommy moved so that he was now sitting on the arm of the armchair just slightly behind me, almost encouraging me to do my best to beat Devon.

  We played another four games in total and she beat me at all of them.

  "See this is why I don't like playing this game, she's too good." Tommy looked frustrated.

  "But what are you good at?" I asked genuinely interested.

  Tommy's face lit up, "Football."

  "Ah well, I bet you could beat Devon when having a kick around over the park." Tommy nodded excitedly. "See, we're all good at something little man." I stood and stretched my arms up high, I hadn't slept well in the 4x4 last night and was feeling a little stiff and in need of some sleep.

  "So what are you good at Cade?"

  I lowered my arms and turned towards Tommy, "Being a fuck up." I blurted out before registering what I had said.

  Devon sniggered, "Oh you said a naughty word."

  I covered my mouth making a joke of it, "That I did." I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, my stomach had been rumbling and I wanted to ask Angel if she had anything that I could eat.

  "He has all of the tell tale signs Spike."

  "There's no way he has, he would've told Hound and he would've then told the club."

  Angel let out a loud sigh, "From everything you've told me so far, my bets are on him being abused when he was in care. He's a very angry young man and he often lashes out, that's how he deals with everything."

  There was a long pause, "So what do we do?"

  "You give him time. He'll tell you when he's ready but let's hope it doesn't eat him up inside before that. I'm happy for him to stay here, to give him some stability and comfort until that time."

  "I love you Angel, always so caring and looking out for people."

  "Only because that's what you and the Aces did for me and our bubba's."

  I slowly backed away from the open doorway of the kitchen. I didn't want them to know that I had heard their conversation. How had Angel figured all of that out? I didn't know her that well and it was as if she could read my body language. I didn't want anyone's pity though, I was doing this on my own. I owed it to Thomas and all the other people that Stew and his cronies had hurt over the years.

  Bang Bang Bang!

  Devon and Tommy jumped out of their skin as the loud noises came from the front door. They looked at each other before running to stand either side of me. I wrapped my arms around them both and hugged them as Spike strutted through the living room towards the front door.

  I positioned myself so that I could see Spike, should he need any assistance as I assumed it could only be trouble at the door because of the loud bangs.

  "Where the fuck is he? I've been told he's here and I want to see him now." I rolled my eyes at Paige's ability to track me down and her demanding ways.

  Spike was taken aback by her outburst at first but quickly regained his composure, "Paige this isn't the time or the place..."

  "You're listening Spike but you're not hearing, I'm not leaving until I see him." Paige folded her arms across her chest standing defensively on the front porch. I'd usually find her amusing but with the lack of sleep and everything swirling around in my head, I wasn't in the mood for her today and she was getting on my nerves.

  I glanced in Angel's direction and silently mouthed "Sorry." She didn't need this brought to her door, this was my problem to take care of.

  Angel smiled and walked towards where the noise was coming from, she bent under Spike's arm that was resting on the doorframe to stand boldly in front of him.

  "Now I don't care who you think you are, you don't come to my house running your mouth and shouting the odd's when my children are in the house, am I making myself clear?"

  Paige smirked, "Angel this has nothing to do with you, why don't you go inside and bake or whatever it is you do." Paige gestured with her hand that Angel go back inside.

  Angel stepped closer, "Now you have until the count of three to take your bony arse from my porch or I'm gonna pull you all around the street by your cheap extensions."

  Paige laughed, "Really?"

  "Oh really, one, two..."

  "Enough, Paige get in the fucking car," I ordered. Spike and Angel glanced over their shoulders towards me, "I'll deal with this, she'll just keep screaming until she gets her own way it's what she does but I know just how to shut her up."

  Spike stepped aside allowing me enough room to get past. "Okay, you seem to know what you're doing but try not to go AWOL again."

  I smiled, "You have my word." I leaned down to give Angel a small kiss on her cheek, "I didn't realise how fiery you were." I said in jest whispering into ear.

  "Mummy bear," she replied with a smirk.

  "Indeed," I chuckled before straightening myself. It wasn't the right time to deal with Paige but she hadn't left me any choice.

  I pointed to her car, "Get moving." She turned on her heels and sauntered towards her vehicle with a smile on her face knowing that she had her own way. As I followed, I heard the click of the front door behind me and knew that Spike and Angel had gone inside, probably to console the twins from Paige's outburst.

  Paige strolled around to the driver's side, "Keys," I demanded. She glanced in my direction with a screwed up expression, "I'm not cocking about, I'm driving." Paige fumbled in her pocket and finally pulled out a bunch of keys, looking back at me she threw them over the vehicle. We pass
ed each other on the way to our respective sides of the vehicle but I ignored her, she had annoyed me by coming to Angel's home, knowing what those poor children had been through. That was the thing with Paige, when she wanted something she would act upon her own needs and desires rather than thinking of others. I had seen flashes of compassion but she was stepping over the line with this today and I had the desire to punish her.

  I drove in silence, I didn't know where I was going but I knew that we needed to be far away from distraction. I drove from the town and found myself heading in the direction of High Beach.

  "Where the fuck have you been the last couple of days? I've been going out of my mind with worry Cade. I thought something terrible had happened to you and then I found out that you...," she trailed off and didn't finish her sentence.

  "Found out that I what Paige? Come on finish your sentence, you don't usually hold back so why now?"

  I kept my composure as I addressed the situation but I was far from calm inside. I wasn't a screamer unlike Paige, if I would've shouted back at her during even half of our arguments, things would've escalated and been a lot worse than they had. I got angry, fuck the girl knew how to get under my skin and make me livid at times but I also knew how to control some of my emotions.

  "You were seen going into some bird's house."

  I nodded my head, "And?"

  "And? And? Is that all you're going to say?" she screamed.

  I shrugged, "Well what do you want me to say Paige? I'm admitting that I did go into someone's house, you only need to ask and I'll tell you."

  "So you think it's okay to hug some bird even though you have a girlfriend and then go into her house?"

  "Erm...yes, if that person is just a friend." I couldn't understand where she was going with this.

  "So why you hugging her then?" Paige flung her arms around the car getting increasing annoyed.

  "Because she is a friend," I couldn't have made it any clearer for her to understand.

  "I want to meet this friend," she demanded.

  I sighed, "And I can't see why not but obviously not when you're in this kind of mood."

  "I'm not in any kind of mood Cade stop being so dramatic." I sniggered at her words, if only she listened to herself. "Why you fucking laughing at me?" she yelled.