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Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Page 7

  "Pfffft," I turned towards Stoney to see him shaking his head.

  "Got something to say?" I asked raising my voice.

  "No," he said bluntly not even man enough to make eye contact.

  "Come on Stoney, you can't do that and not follow up with an explanation." I folded my arms and waited for his response.

  "I think this is all a fucking big joke," he stated waving his arms around the room.

  "What in particular?" I asked knowing that it hadn't taken long for me to find out who the grass was.

  "You!" The group fell silent and everyone turned towards me, looking for a reaction. I stayed quiet knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut now that he had an audience.

  "The club is in an utter mess Duke, something needs to be done and quickly."

  "What do you think we've been doing these past couple of months?" I stated holding my hands out wide.

  "You're our leader Duke, you tell us."

  "What do you mean Stoney, all decisions are made here in this room." I shouted tapping the table. "I don't do shit without consulting you lot."

  Stoney chuckled, "And why is that Duke, can't you think of your own ideas?"

  "I can but then it's a dictatorship and that's not the way I want to run this club." You could've cut the atmosphere with a knife but I wasn't backing down, I wanted him to air his views so that I could at least try to defend my actions.

  "Well then, maybe it's time for new leadership."

  Recon slid his chair across the floor as he stood, "You're speaking out of turn Stoney, I suggest you keep those thoughts in your head from now on or I'll take you outside and remind you of the protocols."

  I held my hand up towards Recon, I appreciated his loyalty but this wasn't his fight.

  I turned my attention back towards Stoney, "Why, do you fancy yourself as the new president?"

  "Don't be a dick, I'm just telling you what everyone's thinking," he huffed holding his arms across his chest.

  I swiftly looked around the room and thankfully saw a lot of support, "Have you now got everything out of your system?" I asked trying to play his statement down.

  "No, I'm sitting here Duke waiting for our leader to tell us when we can go and kick arse before things really get out of hand and a lot of people get hurt."

  "Oh that day will come Stoney," I stated nodding my head slowly. "But let's just hope that when that day eventually comes, you choose to be on the right side."

  "Boys enough, leave this for the playground." Diesel pointed between the pair of us and there was a brief sound of sighs of relief, I think the group thought that we may come to blows but I wasn't about that. I just wanted to see what he was thinking and was pleased that he had the balls to share. I continued to eyeball Stoney, letting him know that regardless of what he thought I was the boss.

  He simply looked away and sat back in his chair knowing that I had won this battle for now and had the support from the rest of the club.

  "Right, any other business before I wrap this session up?" I asked looking around the group. Spike raised his hand, "Yep go on Spike."

  "It's not really club business but I wanted to let you know that Angel is expecting." The group burst into a flurry of activity as the guys stood to congratulate him.

  I turned to Diesel, "Did you know about this?"

  He smiled, "Of course I did, I'm family."

  I rolled my eyes, "It's my sodding club and I find out with the riff raff."

  "Oi you cheeky fucker, you calling me riff raff?" Recon asked laughing at his own joke.

  I smiled and turned towards Spike, "When's it due mate?"

  "You mean, when are they due?"

  The group burst into laughter and gasps of sympathy at the thought of all the children he was about to have in his life.

  "Oh my fucking god Spike!"

  "You know right, the amount of children will double over night," Spike laughed but I could see the love in his eyes as he shared his fantastic news with us. I was pleased for him. He'd finally found the love of his life and he was now extending his family further putting his own stamp on the world.

  "Well on that happy note, I think we should call it a day. You all know what you should be doing so off you go and get on with it." I brought the gavel down dismissing the group.

  The guys stood, some walked over to Spike to congratulate him and others mooched from the room. I made eye contact briefly with Stoney as he stood but I wasn't interested in carrying it on, he just needed time to calm down and when I was ready, I'd speak to him again.

  I stretched before leaning back in my chair, noticing that Recon and Diesel were still seated.

  "Do you want me to have a word with him?" Recon asked still annoyed by Stoney's outburst.

  "No, he's just venting his opinion mate, there's no harm done." I wasn't bothered by Stoney, I was just aware that he had an issue with the situation and wondered how many other people felt the same.

  "You reckon? I think he's trying to cause uproar within the group."

  "No I don't but what I do know is that he's been in touch with HQ and told them what's going on."

  "Fucking prick." Recon blurted annoyed by his actions.

  "I can't be 100% sure at this stage but everything is pointing towards him."

  "What's he gonna achieve by being a grass?" Diesel asked.

  "A new president possibly!"

  "Really? Why would he want rid of you?"

  I shrugged, "Oh I don't know but we'll see how this all plays out. We need to get some more manpower and soon. We need to get our heads together to work out exactly who we want to join us."

  Both Diesel and Recon nodded, they knew that it was important for us to get as many guys as possible on this in order to put a stop to it once and for all.

  "On another note, we need to keep an eye on Hound. He's in a lot of pain but putting on a brave face. He's had a run in with Cade and things are a little strained at home with Paige so he's under a lot of pressure at the moment which isn't good for his health."

  "How do you know about Paige? I thought everything had settled down now that she was in counselling." Recon asked confused.

  "Woods messaged earlier and told me she's gone off the rails. I'm hoping it's nothing but knowing Paige like I do, she may just go AWOL and we'll be left to pick up the pieces so we must keep an eye on the situation."

  "Deep down she's a good girl. I understand she's got daddy issues but that's not gonna help her old man out if she kicks off every two minutes." Recon was blunt and to the point.

  Diesel tapped on the table, deep in thought. "Who's she close to? Can't we get someone to talk to her?"

  I shook my head, "She's got no one, that's the problem."

  "What about Cade?" Recon asked.

  "Yeah but where's he at?" Diesel stopped drumming his fingers against the wood and sat back in his chair.

  "He's gone AWOL, I know Hound's keeping it quiet in order to protect him but he needs to step in line soon otherwise it's gonna get messy." I stated.

  "Can I have a chat with him? Recon asked flexing his muscles.

  "He's all yours if he doesn't sort his head out soon." Cade couldn't be picking and choosing when he wanted to come to work.

  Recon stood, "Are you two coming for a beer?"

  "Oh that sounds like a plan, you coming Duke?" Diesel asked as he stood.

  "No I've gotta sort a few things out here first before I contemplate any down time."

  Diesel nodded, "Okay mate well hopefully we'll see you in the bar for one later this afternoon."

  I nodded as they both left me to my own thoughts. I sat back in my chair and sighed loudly, it had been quite an intense meeting but had picked up towards the end with the good news regarding Spike.

  "Duke," I looked up to see Buster holding my phone. I waved him over and he placed it onto the table in front of me. "Do you want anything before I go?" he asked waiting for instruction.

  I shook my head, "No, just
close the door on your way out."

  He smiled and left the room closing the door like he'd been asked.

  I picked up my phone and called Ash.

  "Hi baby, how are things your end?"

  "All good thank you, to what do I owe this pleasure?" she asked suspiciously.

  "Just checking that my favourite girl is okay," I replied softly.

  "Which translates to, I've got something on my mind."

  I sniggered, "You know me very well already."

  "Indeed I do, now what's up big man?"

  "What would you do if your back was against the wall, people are looking at you for instructions and others are out to get you?"

  It didn't take long for her to respond, "I would continue to be the great leader that I am. People are going to hate, criticise and slag you off no matter how great you are, it's human nature, it's what people do but if you can justify your actions and do everything for the greater good, you can't do better than that."

  I smiled, "I love you Ash."

  "And I love you too."

  "See you this evening beautiful."

  And there it was, as long as I could justify my actions for the greater good, then everything would work out fine...well hopefully!

  Chapter 5


  I needed to get to Stew's but I didn't have a lot of money on me in order to get a Taxi to his address. Looking at the location on my phone it would easily take me over an hour and half to get to his house and I sighed loudly as I used my phone to plot the best route.

  If I walked up the high street and took off down Stonards Hill, I'd be able to cut through and save a little time but it was still a trek.

  As I got to the t-junction at the top of the road, I noticed a familiar vehicle parked in a space not far from Amy's cafe.

  "Jackpot," I said under my breath as I made my way across the grass towards where Spike's 4x4 was parked.

  I took the big bundle of keys from my pocket and carefully looked at each nametag looking for the one that stated Spike. My heart pumped faster as I realised I had the key to the vehicle because this was now going to make the process of getting to my destination a lot quicker.

  I looked around my surroundings checking to see if I recognised anyone and whether any club members were in the cafe, when my attention was drawn to Angel.

  "Fuck," it wasn't Spike who had the 4x4 today it was her. I knew the kids would be at school so it wasn't as if she'd be stranded with them, I wasn't that much of a dick to do that to her.

  I clicked the button on the keys and the lights flashed indicating that the vehicle was now open. My heart fluttered hard inside my chest and I knew that I needed to be out of here quickly before questions were asked, although no one would question me getting into a club members vehicle if I had the keys and was wearing my cut.

  I opened the door and slid into the driver's seat, my hands shook as I scrambled around trying to get the key into the hole to start the engine. Thankfully, the vehicle started first time and I glanced in the rear view mirror to see that there was a break in the traffic, I quickly put the 4x4 into reverse and backed up from the space. As I pushed the lever forward into drive, I glanced at the cafe to see Angel walk from the building. I grimaced knowing that I'd been caught but it was the monotone look on Angel's face that caught me off guard. She didn't scream and shout, she simply watched taking everything in. I felt bad, really bad but I'd return the 4x4 in one piece, I just needed it for a couple of hours.

  I quickly typed the postcode into my Satnav app and it planned the route directly to Stews house. I hadn't really decided what I was going to do once I arrived but at this stage, I just needed to find the location and I was hoping that everything else would just fall into place.

  I turned from the main road, into a country lane just off the beaten track. There was only room for a single vehicle but it had several lay-bys down the road giving opportunities for overtaking. I slowly drove down the road taking in the scenery, to my left there was a steep bank and the huge houses were evenly space on my right with plenty of land around them. This was a prime location for parties and illegal activities as it was secluded with no passing traffic. I drove down to the bottom of the road and was met with a wrought iron gate. Either side attached to stone columns hung two signs warning trespassers to stay out. I scouted the area quickly looking to see what was behind the gate and adjoining fence and I noticed a few signs for carp fishing.

  I easily backed up the vehicle and made my way back down the single track towards Stew's house. I glanced at his property as I passed but it looked as if no one was home. I wasn't ready to leave though, I drove further down the road and came across an entrance into a farmer's field and pulled the vehicle in so that it was off the main road. A metal gate blocked the entrance but this was perfect as it gave me visual access to Stew's house from the rear of the vehicle.

  I unfastened my seatbelt and stretched a little before moving my shoulders up and down to loosen up. I was feeling stiff and knew that I'd be confined to this small space until I decided what I wanted to do regarding the situation so needed to limber up.

  At that point my tummy rumbled, I patted it with both hands remembering that I hadn't had anything to eat since last night. Leaning across the centre console, I opened the glove box and rummaged around. I sniggered to myself as I pulled out a plastic zip lock bag with what I could only describe as rations. There were biscuits, raisins, a small carton of drink, a sewing kit, torch, matches and a note pad inside. Angel was a darling and at this point, my guardian angel as I now had many of the supplies I needed.

  I eagerly removed the biscuits, raisins and carton of squash from the plastic bag and placed them on the centre console before throwing the bag onto the passenger seat.

  I ripped the wrapper from the biscuits and sat back in the chair as I happily munched them. Before long, I realised that I had eaten half the packet and stopped myself from eating anymore by folding the end of the packet to keep them fresh, and placed them onto the seat beside me. I then picked up the carton, ripped the straw from the back and pierced the small foil circle in the top and demolished the drink in no time.

  I burped loudly as the food and drink worked its way through my body, I felt less lethargic and now ready for the task ahead. Now that I had eaten, I had decided to stake out the property for a couple of hours to see what occurred and whether I could start to get a picture of what Stew was up to.

  I lowered the driver's chair back to give me space to move across into the rear seats. I used the headrest to peer around, giving me the perfect view to Stew's property. I would've liked to have been closer but beggars couldn't be choosers and I was grateful that I was warm, dry and now had the opportunity to stake out his house in relative comfort. I grabbed the note pad and pencil that was in the plastic bag on the passenger's seat and jotted down some information and times that I'd seen Stew earlier. Everyone had a pattern to their day so I just needed to observe him long enough in order to find out what those patterns were.

  I was happily scribbling away when I heard a car approach, I ducked down behind the headrest as a silver Mercedes drove passed and parked on Stew's drive. A large built man exited the driver's side and lit a fag as he made his way around the front of the vehicle. A second man exited and he was of a much slender build, he wore a baseball cap so it was hard to see his face but he walked with a distinctive limp. The two men stood at the front door of the property as they waited for the door to be opened and it wasn't long before the sickly smiles of Stew greeted them both. My heart raced, the sight of the man, my abuser, triggered feelings in me that I didn't want to experience. I felt cold, the blood drained from my body but my palms were clammy. I hated the fact that I had no control over my emotions.

  He glanced around his surroundings before stepping aside to allow the two men to enter. I turned around to rest my back against the seat as I tried to control my breathing. Stew still affected me. I thought it may become easier, the more that I s
aw him and that I would react differently but that wasn't the case. I grabbed the notepad and jotted some more information down, times and descriptions of people needed to be documented in order to assist the police should I want to involve them. I wrote the registration of the vehicle down, checking over my shoulder several times to make sure that it was correct. As I glanced for the final time, I saw another vehicle pull up onto the drive beside the first car. I positioned myself so that I couldn't be seen and watched the scene in front of me unfold as three young boys exited the vehicle. I wanted to run over there, round them up and take them away from what I knew was most certainly going to happen to them but I froze, unable to move or process things correctly. I sat on the back seat of the 4x4 and wrapped my arms tightly around my legs, hugging them firmly to my chest. I rocked back and forth, the all too familiar feelings reminding me of when I was a child hiding in the bottom of my wardrobe to stay out of harm's way.

  I don't know how long I sat like this but the ringing of my mobile pulled me from my thoughts. I glanced over my shoulder, the group of people had entered the house behind me and therefore wouldn't hear the ringing from my phone but all the same, I needed to answer it quickly. I climbed into the front seat and picked it up from the centre console. Looking at the screen, I noticed that Paige was calling. I felt sorry for her, I'd left her earlier this morning under horrible circumstances but again this wasn't the right time to try to sort something out. I'd have to see her tomorrow at some point to try and explain but thinking about it, I was in enough trouble from bailing from work early and now from stealing Spike's car that I would probably be reprimanded at some stage and that may prevent me from seeing her any time soon.

  I placed the phone on silent and put it back into the centre console as I snuggled into the seat. It was getting chilly now but I couldn't put the engine on to heat the vehicle as this may alert people of my whereabouts. I sat still deep in thought going over today's events in my head, an array of different emotions had rushed through my body and I still didn't know how to deal with them. I sat trying to figure everything out when sleep took a hold of me.