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Cade (Aces MC Series Book 5.5) Page 11

  Duke had informed me regarding his suspicions that Stoney was the grass and my patience was running thin with his shitty comments.

  "I was supposed to have a well earned night off, I'd arranged to meet up with Arron and Ross but that fell through when I got the phone call." I was annoyed that I'd been called in but had a soft spot for Paige and hoped that I could sort her out as she seemed to listen to me.

  "Underneath the tough exterior she's actually a really nice girl," Stoney rolled his eyes at my comment but it was true. Paige was misunderstood and the kid had been through a lot so it was understandable that she played up from time to time. I thought that she was working through her issues though by seeing a specialist and having Cade to lean on but maybe she was having some kind of relapse. Counselling wasn't a magic wand, it didn't work for everyone and sometimes it took years to have a positive effect, I just really hoped that Paige would see it through and come out the other side in a happier place.

  I was surprised when I received the phone call from Lyric, he was worried that Paige was drinking heavily and that she may do herself some harm. He'd said that Paige was asking for me so I had no option but to blow out my boys. They'd understand though, I'd been with the club for so long that they knew the pecking order but on the flip side that I'd make it up to them.

  "Thank fuck you're here Justice, I can't get through to her sorry arse." Lyric looked like he could do with a drink after enduring some one on one time with Paige. I tapped him on the shoulder, "Stoney will treat you to a drink, I've got it from here."

  I casually strolled over to the booth where she was sitting, "Good evening Paige, how's it going?"

  "Oh at last someone with a brain cell that can actually string a few words together and have a conversation."

  I sniggered at her greeting and sat in the booth opposite her. "What do you mean babe, what's going on?" I took this time to evaluate the situation. Paige had a half filled bottle of scotch on the table with no glass, a lighter and her mobile phone. Yes, she was shit faced but listening to her talk, I wouldn't say that she'd taken any drugs. I sighed with relief and settled into the seating area waiting for her response.

  "Lyric has been doing my head in. He's not much older than me and he's been trying to give me advice," she scoffed. "He's so street init bruv, respect to all the party people."

  I laughed, she certainly hadn't lost her sense of humour intoxicated or not. "I understand what you're saying Paige but you know not to look down on people and judge." Paige rolled her eyes at me.

  "Oi, as your senior by many years but still fucking gorgeous I may like to add, you need to do as you're told." I stated humorously trying to lighten the mood. I'd known Hound and Maggie for over twenty-five years, I'd seen all of the highs and the lows and had grown close to them and their growing family. I had grown accustomed to Paige's little outburst's over the years, she was a madam from the day she learned how to speak and as the years went by just got louder and louder. She took a shine to me from an early age, I suppose now I know the situation I understand why. She was looking for someone to possibly confide in and take her away from the situation but unfortunately, we all missed the warning signs. This is something that I'd have to live with for the rest of my life, I almost felt responsible for the situation and that's why I had so much time for her now. I wanted to try to right the wrongs of the past if I possibly could.

  All this hadn't stopped her from coming on to me though. I sniggered at the thought, she was a vixen in every sense of the word but she had character that was lacking in so many of the younger generation these days. She was a bitch that needed a firm hand at times but she also had a caring side when she dropped the hard image that she liked to portray.

  "So why'd you ask for me anyway?" I wanted to get her talking and make judgement on her state of mind.

  "Because you're not only eye candy, you actually get me Justice." Paige winked and picked up the heavy glass bottle to take a large swig.

  "What do you mean Paige, be more specific." I knew that she hadn't just invited me here for a friendly chat, she had something on her mind and she wanted to share it.

  "I like to think you're firm but fair. A moody arsehole at times, secretive and mysterious but you can also be compassionate, loving and loyal." Paige placed the bottle onto the table and smiled at me.

  "Well if I ever need a character reference, I know where to come," I stated humorously.

  "I know where I'd like to come," she stated biting her finger seductively.

  "Behave yourself, now why are you in such a state?" I pointed to the bottle of scotch that she was quickly demolishing.

  "Spare me a lecture." Paige leaned onto the table to prop her head with her hand.

  "I haven't come to give you a lecture Paige, I've actually given up my plans this evening with Arron and Ross to come and find you so that must tell you that I care." I wanted her to understand that there were many people that did care about her and that she wasn't alone.

  I saw the vulnerability in her eyes. Paige knew how much I loved my boys, they meant the world to me and I had fought tooth and nail to be able to have regular contact with them when they were babies. Their mother was a prick and had tried to stop me and make things difficult from the get go but I was a determined motherfucker and eventually got my own way. Therefore, the fact that I was here to see her instead of my boys clearly registered with her.

  Paige wagged her finger at the waitress and pointed to me indicating that I wanted a drink, "I know and I'm sorry for getting you here, I just seem to get everything wrong these days."

  "I'm all ears babe, I haven't got anywhere else to go so explain away."

  I sat back in the chair and waited for her to respond. Paige played with the neck of her bottle, running her finger around in circles over and over again while she contemplated what to say.

  "I'm in love with Cade," she blurted and almost looked embarrassed by her admission.

  "Well that's a good thing isn't it?" They hadn't been together long but who said love needed a time limit.

  Paige let out a sigh, "Our relationship is very different to what you've probably been used to Justice."

  I chuckled, "You'd be surprised, for Christ's sake Paige I've been married three times and believe me I've had my fair share of women." There was nothing that Paige could reveal that would shock me when it came to relationships or a good fucking. My inability to commit had helped me to father nine children and I was the brunt of all good jokes around the club because of it.

  "He's very alpha," Paige didn't make eye contact with me and continued to play with the neck of the bottle, trying to focus on anything apart from the conversation we were having.

  I sniggered which earned me a stern look from Paige, I held up my hands in mock defence as I finally gained her attention. "Look I'm sorry, I just can't see Cade being the domineering type especially with you."

  Paige smiled, "I know, it surprises the shit out of me too but it just seems to work. I run my mouth sometimes..."

  "No shit, really!" I stated sarcastically.

  "Are you gonna let me speak?"

  "Of course sorry," I'd finally got her to open up and I was actually interested in what she had to say.

  "When he tells me to do something I do it, without question." She looked at me deeply, wanting an explanation or reassurance.

  "Well that's part of loving someone Paige, as long as it's consensual."

  She smiled, "Very, I like him doing those things to me, I mean sometimes he hurts me but that's all part of the fun."

  "This is all great Paige but where are we going with this?" I didn't mind listening to her sexual preferences but I'm sure there was another reason for her getting pissed this evening.

  "He's seeing someone else," she blurted.

  "What makes you think that?" I didn't know Cade too well because he kept himself to himself but I didn't have him down as the cheating type.

  "Lyric saw him in Epping twice with the same girl and
her brat." Paige took a sip of her drink clearly upset.

  "Whoa Paige, you've made an assumption from what Lyric 'you alright bruv' has said?" Paige slowly nodded. "Come on Paige you know better than that."

  "I don't know anything anymore." She swirled the contents of the bottle before lifting the opening to her mouth. Paige gulped down the rest of the liquid before I had time to stop her. She placed the empty bottle back onto the table and wiped a tear that had escaped from her eye.

  I leaned across the table and placed my hands on top of hers, "Paige, do you want me to go and check it out."

  She looked up at me and I could see the corner of her mouth turn upwards, this was the first time I had seen her smile this evening and I knew that this was the right decision.

  "You'd do that for me?"

  I nodded, "Of course I would." I shuffled from the seat and stood, "I'll speak to Lyric and then I'll go and investigate the situation further. You know Paige, sometimes in life not everything is always so black and white. There are many grey areas that come with explanations, please don't make any judgements until we have all of the facts."

  Paige smiled, "Thank you Justice."

  "Not a problem lovely lady, now get your bits together coz when I've finished talking to Lyric I'm gonna take you home." I gave her a cheeky wink.

  "No, I don't want to go home yet. I want to sit here and get drunk." Paige stated petulantly.

  "Tough, five minutes and then we're going." Paige stuck out her bottom lip and folded her arms across her chest. "Don't give me that look, five minutes." I held up my hand, palm spread before turning to walk towards the bar.

  "I'll have a rum and coke please when you're ready." I asked Natasha. She smiled sweetly before giving me my drink.

  "We had one already poured but no one wanted to bring it over as it looked like a heated discussion."

  I smiled, "She's okay, she just needs her bed now to sleep it off." I lifted my glass and took a sip of the cold liquid.

  I turned my attention to Lyric, "So what's gone on mate, tell me exactly what you've seen."

  He shrugged, "Not much to be honest. I saw Cade follow a young girl down Epping high street. She couldn't be much older than twenty. She had a young boy with her and Cade went into her house."

  "Why did you follow him?" I asked intrigued.

  "I don't know, something was just off about the situation so I followed him."

  "Okay so what did you see?" I needed details, why would Paige just assume that they were shagging?

  Lyric shrugged, "He hugged her and she seemed quite upset."

  "Okay but Paige said that you saw them twice." It was like trying to get blood from a stone talking to Lyric.

  "Yeah. I went to Amy's to get a coffee and as I was walking down the high street, I saw Cade and the same girl outside Costa. She had the boy with her and Cade seemed to be quite cosy with the pair of them."

  I nodded, "And that's all you saw? There was no hand holding or kissing?"

  Lyric shook his head, "Nope but they looked very friendly."

  "Okay, well I'm gonna take Paige home and then I'm gonna rock over to this girl's house. I'll ask her outright and then we'll know for sure." I couldn't be dicking around with hearsay and what it looked like to certain people, I needed to hear it from the horse's mouth.

  "I don't know the address so I'll have to come with you." Lyric stood and gathered his things together.

  I nodded, "Okay, well I brought the 4x4 so we can squeeze everyone in." I took my glass from the bar and knocked it back in one. I needed to keep a clear head so I only had the one drink, I couldn't risk being pulled over when I had so much to be getting on with.

  I stuck two fingers in my mouth and whistled, I caught Paige's attention and she reluctantly slid from the booth and mooched towards where we were standing.

  Stoney sighed loudly, "What's up with you?" I asked.

  "Everything, I feel like we spend our days mopping up shit when there's bigger fish to fry."

  I contemplated what he'd just said, "You mean finding the people responsible for the attacks on the club?"

  "Exactly, we're on babysitting duties again while nothing is being done." I heard the frustration in his voice but didn't like his tone. I'd known Stoney for a few years now, he wouldn't be my choice of friend but we were brothers all the same. He'd become vocal over recent days regarding the situation with the club and although I shared his frustrations, he couldn't talk out of turn as he'd get reprimanded and possibly a couple of slaps from me.

  "I can assure you Stoney that things are going on behind the scenes and this babysitting duty," I pointed to Paige as she made her way slowly across the club. "She is a daughter of one of our brothers, who was abused by an associate of the club. I think we need to show a little compassion regarding the situation by mopping up the shit and getting our club in order before we fry any fish!" I threw his words back at him making sure he understood where I was at regarding the situation. I couldn't just sit back and watch Paige drink herself into oblivion, she was already pissed and if I weren't here, she'd be in an even worse state.

  Stoney placed his hands into his pockets and kept his mouth shut, hopefully feeling a little awkward from his dressing down.

  "Come on you," I wrapped my arm around Paige's waist and held her tightly making sure that she didn't fall over.

  "Oooo Justice, I didn't know that you cared." Paige stroked my face and laughed like a hyena.

  I ignored her advances and held her weight as I directed her slowly from the club. Stoney and Lyric followed closely behind, sniggering to themselves as she swayed in my arms. It was a good job she weighed next to nothing and if she walked any slower, I'd have to pick her up and carry her over my shoulder.

  I pressed the key fob to unlock the vehicle and Stoney opened the door so I could place Paige into the back seat.

  "I'm not an invalid Justice, I can move by myself." Paige shrugged my hands from her body and scrambled into the car. She took a couple of attempts but eventually managed to manoeuvre herself inside and comically fastened her seatbelt as she sat upright tapping her legs with both palms, "Come on lads, I thought you were taking me home."

  I glanced at Stoney and Lyric as I shook my head and sniggered. She was amusing when drunk but I was pleased that we were taking her home and out of temptations way.

  I sat in the driver's seat and waited for Lyric and Stoney to enter the vehicle.

  "I'm not sitting next to him, get out, out now!" Paige screamed.

  I turned around to face the rear seats, "What the fuck is going on?" I screamed at the pair of them as Paige whacked Lyric several times on the arm.

  "I don't want him near me. He's filling my head with lies, it's all lies."

  "Oh fuck off you little tramp, I wouldn't blame Cade if he did go elsewhere. You're fucking nuts."

  I rolled my eyes at Stoney as he sniggered with amusement. "Now pack it in the pair of you, don't make me get in the back and sort you both out."

  Paige folded her arms across her chest and turned her head to look out of the window, "Go fuck yourself Lyric, oh you probably do every night anyway." Paige gestured a wanking signal with her hand.

  "See what I mean Justice, she's just a bitch and runs her mouth." He too folded his arms and positioned himself so he could look through the window.

  I turned back around and looked out of the windscreen with a sigh.

  "Don't make me get in the back and sort you both out." Stoney mimicked taking the piss out of what I'd just said. "What are you their dad?"

  "Fuck off, coz if I'm the dad then that makes you their mum." I gave him a cheeky wink and pulled out of the car park.

  Time was now of the essence, I needed to drop Paige at home to know that she was safe and then deal with the Cade situation. I hoped that I'd still have a couple of hours to myself this evening once the drama had calmed down so I could go out with my boys.

  I took a slow drive to Hound's house, I didn't want to rag it coz I di
dn't fancy cleaning up Paige's sick from the back of the car plus Lyric would've sulked like a baby if she had puked on him. Telling her off had worked though, she'd now calmed down a little which I was grateful for as I couldn't put up with her screaming all the way home.

  As we pulled up outside Hounds house, Paige didn't wait for assistance and flung the door open wide. She fell to the ground with a thud and I heard an array of obscenities.

  "Fuck!" she moaned trying to pick herself up from the grass verge outside Hounds house. It was a quiet street so I was hoping for a speedy drop off but looking at Paige on the ground I knew that wasn't going to be the case.

  "What the fuck is going on, has she been drinking?" I hadn't seen Hound until now, he was painting the house but was now making his way across the front garden with his paint brush in hand dripping paint everywhere.

  "Yeah no biggy, I just wanted to drop her off before things got out of hand." I wanted to play it down as I didn't know how Hound was going to react to the situation.

  Hound dropped his brush onto the grass and stormed towards Paige, he pushed his hands under her arms and proceeded to pick her up roughly.

  "You're a fucking stupid girl. Why you out getting pissed again?" Hurt and anger spilled from his mouth as he reprimanded his daughter.

  Paige looked at him, dumbfounded by his reaction.

  "Easy Hound, let's just get her into bed to sleep it off." I stepped closer trying to ease the situation between the two of them, tempers were high and the situation could escalate quickly.

  "I don't need fucking parenting advice from you. Remind me how many kids you have and see on a regular basis?"

  "Whoa, that was uncalled for Hound. I'm trying to help you out mate." I was a little shocked by his comment but I let it slide because tempers were high.

  He ignored my comment and returned his attention back to Paige. "Get up," he shouted as she stumbled around trying to find her footing.

  "Who the fuck are you talking to?" she screamed as she squared up to him.

  Hound pointed at her, "I'm not in the fucking mood this evening to hear your gob so shut it. I've already had a run in with your boyfriend today and don't need your shit to."